推荐序一 这是一本救命书
This book can save your life
科林·坎贝尔博士(T. Colin Campbell, PhD)
(此文为坎贝尔先生为《How Not to Die》中文版出版而作,由余力博士翻译。)
The science of nutrition, among the professionals and public alike, worldwide is not respected as it should be. Medical practitioners are seldom, if ever, taught nutrition during their training and, in many instances, they do not receive adequate compensation for their services. The public has a widespread interest in nutrition, but are confronted with too much controversy and confusion.
In spite of this confusion and ignorance, however, we now have compelling scientific evidence that a proper understanding of nutrition can both prevent and treat (i. e., cure) many serious diseases and ailments. Heart disease, even its advanced stages, can be cured by food alone. A whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet, practiced as a lifestyle—has a remarkable ability to resolve a broad array of diseases and ailments and to do so remarkably quickly. A composite of the most commonly used pills and procedures of contemporary "Western" medicine cannot compete with the ability of the right kind of food to maintain and restore human health.
If this information were made available and properly used, evidence shows that at least two-thirds of health care costs could be spared (at least for those populations using the Western diet), that environmental catastrophes could be substantially averted, and that violence against humans and other sentient beings would be greatly reduced.
This book, How Not To Die by Dr. Michael Greger is unusually informative as to what are the scientific facts that support the use of a whole food, plant based diet. I have had an unusually productive career with many medical colleagues in China since 1981 and have always been convinced that the Chinese people, because of their amazing history in the health and medical sciences, are in an excellent position to adopt this dietary lifestyle and to show the world what is possible. The information in this book is high quality and can save your life.