第9章 泰伯第八
Confucius, speaking of a remote Founder of the Imperial House of Chou!*the then ruling dynasty, remarked: “He was a man, it may be said, of the highest moral greatness. He three times refused the government of the Empire; although the world, not knowing this, does not speak much of him.”
(MBC. 1122-225.)
Confucius remarked! “Earnestness without judgment becomes pedantry; caution without judgment becomes timidity; courage without judgment leads to crime; uprightness without judgment makes men tyrannical.”
When the gentlemen of a country are attached to the members of their own family, the people will improve in their moral character;*when the gentlemen do not discard their old connections, the people will not become grasping in their character.
(That is why the Scotch, who despise a kinless loon, are a peculiarly moral people.)
When a disciple of Confucius was on his death bed, he called to him his own disciples and said to them: "Uncover my feet; uncover my hands. The Psalm says:
'Walk with fear and with trembling
As on the brink of a gulf;
For the ground you are treading
Is with thin ice covered above.'
But now, my young friends, I shall from henceforth be free from all these things."
On the same occasion as mentioned above, when a young noble of the Court came to see him, the disciple said to him! “When the bird is dying, its song is sad; when a man is dying, his words are true.”
“Now a gentleman in his education should consider three things as essential. In his manners, he aspires to be free from excitement and familiarity.In the expression of his countenance, he seeks to inspire confidence.In the choice of his language, he aims at freedom from vulgarity and unreasonableness.As to the knowledge of the technical details of the arts and sciences, he leaves that to professional men.”
A disciple of Confucius remarked! “Gifted himself, yet seeking to learn from the ungifted; possessing much information himself, yet seeking it from others possessing less; rich himself in the treasures of his mind, yet appearing as though he were poor; profound himself yet appearing as though he were superficial: —I once had a friend who thus spent his life.”
A disciple of Confucius remarked! “A man who could be depended upon when the life of an orphan prince, his master's child, is entrusted to his care, or the safety of a kingdom is confided to his charge! —who will not, in any great emergency of life and death, betray his trust! —such a man I would call a gentleman, such a man I would call a perfect gentleman.”
A disciple of Confucius remarked! “An educated gentleman may not be without strength and resoluteness of character. His responsibility in life is a heavy one, and the way is long.He is responsible to himself for living a moral life; is that not a heavy responsibility? He must continue in it until he dies; is the way then not a long one?”
Confucius remarked! “In education sentiment is called out by the study of poetry;*judgment is formed by the study of the arts; and education of the character is completed by the study of music.”
(Wordsworth says of poetry that is tends to
"Nourish the imagination in her growth!
And give the mind that apprehensive power
Whereby she is made quick to recognize
The moral properties and scope of things.")
Confucius remarked! “The common people should be educated in what they ought to do; not to ask why they should do it.”*
[A Chinese commentator, Ch'eng, of the Sung dynasty, says here: “Confucius said this not because he did not wish the people to understand, but because it is impossible to make them understand. But if you say Confucius did not wish the people to understand, that would mean that he would govern the people by jugglery of Jesuitism, as is sometimes done by later generations! —a supposition which is preposterous.”
Goethe, in his latter years, was inclined to believe that Martin Luther put back the civilisation of Europe because he appealed to the multitude to judge of things which they could not possibly be in a position to understand. The real and true principle of modern democracy, on the other hand, is contained in that saying of Confucius:
“Greatly fear the aspirations (the inarticulate, not the mere articulate aspirations) of the people” 大畏民志]
Confucius remarked! “A man of courage who hates to be poor will be sure to commit a crime. A man without moral character, if too much hated, will also be sure to commit a crime.”
Confucius remarked! “A man may have abilities as admirable as our Lord of Chou!*but if he is proud and mean, you need not consider the other qualities of his mind.”
〔Moses or Solon of Chinese History (see note 31,chapter VII, section 5[p. 115]).〕
Confucius remarked! “A man who educates himself for three years without improvement is seldom to be found.”
Confucius remarked! “A man who is scrupulously truthful, cultured and steadfast to the death in the path of honesty!*such a man should not serve in a country where the government is in a state of revolution nor live in a country where the government is in an actual state of anarchy. When there is justice and order in the government of the world, he should be known, but he should be obscure.When there is justice and order in the government of his own country, he should be ashamed to be poor and without honour; but when there is no justice in the government of his own country he should be ashamed to be rich and honoured.”
[Like the late General Charles (Chinese) Gordon.]
Confucius remarked! “A man who is not in office in the government of a country, should never give advice as to its policy.”
Confucius speaking of the performance of a great musician of the time remarked! “The volume of sound at the commencement and the clash and commingling of harmony at the end of that ancient ballad he played were magnificent.How it seemed to fill the ears!”
Confucius remarked! “Appearance of high spirit without integrity; —of dullness without humility; of simplicity without honesty; —of such men I really do not know what to say.”
Confucius remarked! “In education study always as if you have not yet reached your goal and as though apprehensive of losing it.”
Confucius remarked! “How toweringly high and surpassingly great in moral grandeur was the way by which the ancient Emperors Shun and Yü came to the government of the Empire, and yet they themselves were unconscious of it.”*
[The Isaac and Jacob of Chinese history: two men in early patriarchic times in China who rose from the ploughshare to the throne.(B. C.2255-2205 and B.C.2205-2179).]
Confucius remarked! “Oh! how great, as a rule of men, was Yao*the Emperor! Ah! how toweringly high and surpassingly great: Yao's moral greatness is comparable only to the greatness of God. How vast and infinite: the people had no name for such moral greatness.How surpassingly great he was in the works he accomplished! How glorious he was in the arts he established.”
[The Abraham of Chinese history.(B. C.2356-2258).]
The great Emperor Shun had five great Public Servants and the Empire had peace. King Wu*said! “I had ten great Public Servants who assisted me in restoring order in the Empire.”
Confucius, remarking on the above, observed: “It was said of old that men of great ability are difficult to find.The saying is very true.The great men who lived during the period between the reigns of T'ang (the title of the Emperor Yao) and Yü(the title of Shun) have never been equaled.Among the ten great Public Servants mentioned above, there was one woman: so that there were really only nine great men.”
“The House of Chou then had two-thirds of the Empire under them, while still acknowledging the sovereignty of the House of Yin. The moral greatness of the early Emperors of the House of Chou may be considered perfect.”
[The warrior king or the conqueror: the Solomon of Chinese history.(B. C.1122-1115).]
Confucius remarked! “I have not been able to find a flaw in the character of the ancient Emperor, the Great Yü.*He was extremely simple in his own food and drink, but lavish in what he offered in sacrifice.His ordinary clothing was coarse and poor, but when he went to worship he appeared in rich and appropriate robes.The palace where he lived was humble and mean, but he spared no expense in useful public works for the good of the people.In all this I cannot find a flaw in the character of the Great Yü!”
[See note 44,section 18 of this chapter (p. 128).]