【英文】Depreciation refers to two very different but related concepts:
1.the decrease in value of assets(fair value depreciation),and
2.the allocation of the cost of assets to periods in which the assets are used(depreciation with the matching principle).
【解释】depreciation 可译为“折旧”和“货币贬值”。前者的英文解释为:a reduction in the value of an asset with the passage of time,due in particular to wear and tear(资产价值随时间流逝而减少,尤其指自然耗损或磨损);后者的英文解释为:the reduction in value of one currency in relation to other currencies(一种货币相对于其他货币在价值上的减少)。
1.Depreciation:the diminution in value of a capital asset due to wear and tear or obsolescence over an accounting period.A provision for depreciation can be computed by means of a number of generally accepted techniques,including the straight-line method,the diminishing-balance method,the sum-of-the-digits method,the production-unit method,and the revaluation method.The depreciation reduces the book value of the asset and is charged against income of an organization in the income statement or profit and loss account...〔译文:折旧:在会计核算其间(accounting periods)内,因自然耗损或陈旧过时资本资产价值的减少。折旧规定可通过许多广泛接受的技术计算出来,包括直线折旧方法、余额递减折旧法、数字总额折旧法、生产单位折旧法,以及再评估折旧办法等。折旧减少了资产的账面价值,而折旧费是从一个单位的损益报表或损益账户上的收入中扣除的……〕
2.Methods of computing depreciation may vary by asset for the same business. Methods and lives may be specified in accounting and/or tax rules in a country. Several standard methods of computing depreciation expense may be used,including fixed percentage,straight line,and declining balance methods. Depreciation expense generally begins when the asset is placed in service.Example:a depreciation expense of 100 per year for 5 years may be recognized for an asset costing 500.〔译文:同一企业因资产不同其折旧计算方法也不同。在一个国家的会计核算规则或税收规则中,可能就折旧的方法和资产寿命进行专门规定。计算折旧费可以使用几种标准方法,包括固定比例折旧法、直线折旧法、以及余额递减折旧法等。当资产投入运行之时,通常折旧费就开始了。比如,5年内每年100%的折旧费可以认为某一资产成本计算为500(货币单位)。〕
与资产折旧相关的常见术语还有:depreciation reserve(资产的折旧估价额)、allowance for depreciation(资产的折旧减税额)、 accumulated depreciation(资产的“累计折旧值”)等。