Day 5 这个看起来有语法错误的句子,居然特别地道!
D: Hey,man,are you busy tonight?
A: Nah,no plans.
D: You wanna go watch a movie?
A: With you? No way. I only watch movies with girls.
D: Dude,no worries. I also invited five hot girls.
A: OK,my treat!
OK,听完今天的对话之后我们来学习一个非常地道的表达:“go watch a movie”。
“Go watch a movie.” If I'm talking to my friends,I could say,“Hey,do you wanna go watch a movie?”
Now,why is it important to know this? Because many Chinese people will say,“Darby,do you want to go to the cinema?” Are you my grandpa?
Right now,we do not say “cinema”. It's very old fashioned. We will just say,“Hey,you wanna go watch a movie?”
我们在课本上学到的“去看电影”是“go to the cinema”,但是它比较过时了。就像大白说的,他们已经不说“go to the cinema”,而用“go watch a movie”。
这个时候又有同学会问为什么go和watch可以连在一起用呢?两个动词怎么可以连在一起呢?说实话我也不知道为什么,我相信大白也不知道为什么。(大白:一点儿都不知道。)但是,这就是当下最流行的表达,学习语言就要不断地与时俱进。“go watch a movie”就是“看电影”当下最流行的说法。

OK,so for today's bonus. You heard Alex say “my treat”. It means:I will pay the bill;I will pay the money. You can also say,“It's on me.” They have the same meaning:it means I will pay for you.
我觉得男生什么时候最帅呢,就是当你说出这句话的时候:“My treat.” “It's on me.”