An example—save the whale!
We've got a basic idea of what characters are. Now, it's time sketch our character. If you're not good at drawing characters, try downloading them from the Internet.
For this book, I thought of a simple example for our game. Save the whale! We have drawn an easy character, a whale. We can create a fast-paced environment with a few icebergs, varied food of fish and seals, and we can create as many different enemies as we like, such as sharks, whale hunters, and pollution.
The game can augment its levels of difficulty as we develop our world using different environments. We can always increase the capability of your character with new keyboard functions.
Obviously, this is an example. Feel free to change the game, remake it, create another completely different character, and provide a gameplay of another gaming genre. There are thousands of possibilities, and it's fine if you deviate from our idea. It is important that you clear your design before you start your game library. That's all.