What this book covers
Chapter 1, Basic Security, covers the basics of security in a J2ee application. It introduces to the reader the various mechanisms of applying security to authenticate and authorize the users to the application. It also explains container management security.
Chapter 2, Spring Security with Struts 2, provides steps to integrate Spring Security in a Struts 2 application. It demonstrates database authentication and LDAP authentication and authorization with other security mechanism offered by Spring framework.
Chapter 3, Spring Security with JSF, explains all the aspects of Spring Security with a JSF application. It shows how to make the JSF application communicate with Spring Security using listeners.
Chapter 4, Spring Security with Grails, demonstrates how the grails application can seamlessly integrate with Spring Security. We have also shown how Spring Security UI offers screens to create users and roles. We have demonstrated the use of Spring Security tags in GSP pages.
Chapter 5, Spring Security with GWT, focuses on the GWT framework. The GWT framework is integrated with GWT and Spring Security can be used to authenticate and authorize users accessing the GWT application.
Chapter 6, Spring Security with Vaadin, puts forward various options for integrating Spring Security with the Vaadin framework. We have created a sample product catalog application to demonstrate Spring Security integration with the Vaadin framework.
Chapter 7, Spring Security with Wicket, demonstrates the integration of the wicket framework with Spring Security. Wicket itself has an authentication and authorization framework inbuilt, but the challenge was to make wicket use an external framework for authentication and authorization.
Chapter 8, Spring Security with ORM and NoSQL DB, explains Hibernate and MongoDB in authentication and authorization using Spring Security API classes.
Chapter 9, Spring Security with Spring Social, introduces Spring Social, which is a framework developed by Spring Source to provide integration to social networking sites. Spring Social intern uses Spring Security to do the authentication and authorization. The chapter demonstrates how Spring Social and Spring Security integrate with each other by demonstrating a Facebook login application.
Chapter 10, Spring Security with WebServices, explains various options to secure RESTFUL and SOAP based webservices.
Chapter 11, More on Spring Security, is a miscellaneous chapter. It explains integrating Spring Security with the Kaptcha API and providing multiple input authentications.