Getting Started with PhantomJS


PhantomJS is a fully scriptable headless browser. When I started using it two years ago, I thought it was just another environment that can perform and evaluate JavaScript, but, as I explored its features, to my surprise, I found it to be an awesome technology. Most of the features that are discussed in this book come from the bits and pieces of the application that I have been using in my work to create a web monitoring and user-simulation type of service. PhantomJS is one of those technologies that can be integrated into any existing platform and can solve web development puzzles, ranging from page manipulation to user event simulation.

This book is a guide to help you not only ease your way into developing scripts in PhantomJS but it will also show you the cool features of this technology. In addition, it will also encourage you to be more creative and play with it as each chapter unfolds new capabilities. This book will help you get started.