Learning AirWatch


In this chapter, you learned about AirWatch and their product portfolio with mobility. The mobile industry has moved towards an EMM solution. Moving forward with one EMM will allow organizations to simplify their mobile strategy and create more efficient solutions for the end users.

We looked at the different management suite options provided by AirWatch; whether you would need all features or just some depends on the scope of your deployment and the needs of your initiatives. There are different options to host your AirWatch environment, of which SaaS is a popular option. We also looked at the support, learning, and deployment services available from AirWatch and the different options available with each of them.

We also looked at the supported devices within AirWatch along with the different ownership types that devices can be enrolled as (corporate dedicated, corporate shared, and employee owned). To finish the chapter, we reviewed the requirements for setting up the AirWatch environment depending on your deployment type. This leads us to the next chapter, which demonstrates how to access and manage the AirWatch environment once set up.