Python is a high-level and general-purpose language with clear syntax and a comprehensive standard library. Often referred to as a scripting language, Python is dominant in information security with its low complexity, limitless libraries, and third-party modules. Security experts have singled out Python as a language for developing information security toolkits, such as w3af . The modular design, human-readable code, and fully developed suite of libraries make Python suitable for security researchers and experts to write scripts and build tools for security testing.
Python-based tools include all types of fuzzers, proxies, and even the occasional exploit. Python is the driving language for several current open source penetration-testing tools from Volatility for memory analysis to libPST for abstracting the process of examining e-mails. It is a great language to learn because of the large number of reverse engineering and exploitation libraries available for your use. So, learning Python may help you in difficult situations where you need to extend or tweak those tools.
In this book,we will get an idea of how a penetration tester can use these tools and libraries to aid his or her day-to-day work.