The lean start-up methodology has become a well-known term in the start-up land. There are many books covering this (and related methodologies) such as The Lean Startup (Eric ries), Running Lean (Ash Maurya), The start-up owner manual (Steve Blank), and The Four steps to the epiphany (Steve Blank).
The lean start-up methodology is, among other things, about reducing waste by gathering feedback earlier. It makes no sense to develop a brilliant app for six months or longer only to find out later that nobody is interested in it.
Your start-up, or even an existing app, needs multiple but short iterations to find out what works and what does not. That raises questions such as: Does your app actually solve a problem worth solving it? And how does the lean start-up methodology come into this?
All the books are currently focused on business-oriented members of your start-up or company. However, a pragmatic approach for the technical-oriented members of a company, with a mobile first strategy, is missing in particular. Theory is cool but a practical approach could help developers to move faster.
This book tries to fill that gap. It explains the elements of the Lean Start Up methodology and elaborates on research and on implementation. In particular, the focus is on things that need to be done from a technical point of view. That makes this book a down-to-earth guide on how to apply the lean start-up methodology to real Android and iOS development. As such, it comes without any mumbo-jumbo. If you want real action and if you want to develop an app that people need and really want to use, then this guide is for you.