What this book covers
Chapter 1, Basics of Rust, covers the installation of Rust and teaches the syntax and basic principles of the language so that you are ready to code projects with it.
Chapter 2, Starting with SDL, shows how to start using SDL and its main features, such as events and drawings. Once the project is created, we'll make a window displaying an image.
Chapter 3, Events and Basic Game Mechanisms, takes you deeper into how to handle events. We'll write the tetrimino objects and make them change following the received events.
Chapter 4, Adding All Game Mechanisms, completes the game's mechanisms. At the end of this chapter, we'll have a fully running Tetris game.
Chapter 5, Creating a Music Player, helps you start building a graphical music player. Only the user interface will be covered in this chapter.
Chapter 6, Implementing the Engine of the Music Player, adds the music player engine to the graphical application.
Chapter 7, Music Player in a More Rusty Way with Relm, improves the music player to add a playing, allowing to process the music in the list to remove the vocals.
Chapter 8, Understanding FTP, introduces the FTP protocol by implementing a synchronous FTP server, to prepare you to write the asynchronous version in the next chapters.
Chapter 9, Implementing an Asynchronous FTP Server, implements an FTP protocol with Tokio.
Chapter 10, Implementing Asynchronous File Transfer, implements the FTP service itself. This is where the application will be able to upload and download files.
Appendix, Rust Best Practices, shows how to write nice Rust APIs and how to make them as easy and nice to use as possible.