Rooms and equipment
In Exchange, you can assign a room or a piece of equipment (for example, a projector) to a meeting by giving it an email address:

Rooms and equipment
To enter a room or equipment, you click Add and choose which one—Room or Equipment. You then fill out the name and the email address you're assigning to it (it would also be a good idea to fill in the capacity, location, and phone number).
Rooms can be abstract entities; my company, for instance, has no physical conference rooms, but we assign conferencing vendors, such as GoToMeeting and WebEx, as rooms.
The panel for editing a room allows you to edit the same things you set when you created the room, but it also allows you to set whether repeated meetings are allowed, whether automatic processing (inviting a room to a meeting automatically reserving the room without requiring human intervention) is allowed, and who's a delegate for the room (the person who receives the room's email; also, the person who can choose to reject a booking for the room). There's also a direct link to the settings in Exchange.