The USERindex measures the user experience "quick and easy" (analogous to the SUS), but also collects information on metrics such as appeal and satisfaction. It is based on the four dimensions of Usefulness, Satisfaction, Ease-of-use and Reliability, and uses 10 attitude questions, rated using a labeled Likert scale. It is expressed as an index.
There is no need (or value) in using all of the benchmark scores listed previously; this would just feel repetitive to the study participant, as some questions may sound similar. Instead, the UX researcher should select those that make the most sense for a given usability study.
Another good point to clarify is the use of scales in rating questions and the order of answers. If you ask ten people their preferences, you will receive ten different opinions. That is why it is good to achieve a consensus before writing the discussion guide/script. We like using 5-scale, labeled rating questions, ordered from the most negative to the most positive, with a neutral element in the middle.
If a stakeholder feels strongly about using a 7-scale, end-labeled rating, with questions ordered from the most positive to the most negative, we would only put in medium effort to discourage them: