About the reviewers
UX blogger, author of Fixing Bad UX Design (Packt Publishing), author of the chapter about UX for Conversion for a Brazilian book on digital marketing, reviewer of the book UX Mobile (Packt Publishing), Lisandra Maioli is an Italian-Brazilian journalist with a certification in UX (General Assembly LA), a post-graduate diploma in Marketing (UC Berkeley), in digital marketing (UCLA), in Interactive Digital Medias (Senac SP), and in Digital-Cultural Journalism (PUC SP). She has about two decades of international and multidisciplinary experience in digital communications in different roles, working for different companies and clients based in Brazil, the US, Italy, Ireland, China, Germany, and the Netherlands.
Jens Jacobsen created his first web page in 1995 with Notepad and tested it in NCSA Mosaic. Soon, he shifted his focus from coding to conceptual work and wrote a book on the conceptual design of websites, Website-Konzeption, published in German by Addison-Wesley in 2001. It is now in its 8th edition. Jens writes for several German expert blogs about usability, UX, and creating successful websites. He works as a freelance UX consultant for mid- and big-sized companies.