A queue consists of elements to be processed in a particular order or based on priority. A priority-based queue of orders is shown in the following code, structured as a heap. Operations such as enqueue, dequeue, and peek can be performed on queue. A queue is a linear data structure and a sequential collection. Elements are added to the end and are removed from the start of the collection. Queues are commonly used for storing tasks that need to be done, or incoming HTTP requests that need to be processed by a server. In real life, handling interruptions in real-time systems, call handling, and CPU task scheduling are good examples for using queues.
The following code shows the queue of Orders and how the Queue type is defined:
// Queue—Array of Orders Type
type Queue []*Order
// Order class
type Order struct {
priority int
quantity int
product string
customerName string
The following sections in the chapter discuss the New, Add, and main methods of queue.