Introducing TypeScript and the Vue Ecosystem
TypeScript is a new Vue-based language, fully supported on Vue 3. It is now possible to use typed JSX (also know as TSX), type annotation, static verification of the code, and much more.
The Vue ecosystem is getting bigger each day, so to help us, the Vue team has developed some tools to improve project handling and management. Those tools are Vue CLI and Vue UI, which today are the main tools for local Vue development.
The Vue CLI tool is the beginning of every project; with it, you will be able to select the basic features or just a preset you had made, to create a new Vue project. After a project is created, you can use Vue UI to manage the project, add new features, check the status of the project, and do almost everything you previously needed to do in the command-line interface (CLI), with the addition of more features.
In these chapters, you learn more about TypeScript as a superset on JavaScript and how to use the power of the Vue CLI tool and Vue UI together to get a whole application up and running.
In this chapter, we'll cover the following recipes:
- Creating a TypeScript project
- Understanding TypeScript
- Creating your first TypeScript class
- Creating your first project with Vue CLI
- Adding plugins to a Vue CLI project with Vue UI
- Adding TypeScript to a Vue CLI project
- Creating your first TypeScript Vue component with vue-class-component
- Creating a custom mixin with vue-class-component
- Creating a custom function decorator with vue-class-component
- Adding custom hooks to vue-class-component
- Adding vue-property-decorator to vue-class-component