Section 4:Issues for consideration
·The question “Can YEDA’s practices and experience be easily transferred to and adopted by other countries,and how?” is raised. There are challenges and constraints to the adoption of best practice transfer methodologies(Atherton 2008). This means that it is always difficult to simply transfer a successful model or set of policies to imitate the success of original organisations or countries. If YEDA’s experience and practices can be used by other policy makers in other countries,then how and in what ways the YEDA experience can be applicable to their situations will form another question.
·This research is based on the analysis of 40 face-to-face interviews of scholars of Yantai University,business people and officials in YEDA and various businesses which have some kind of business relationship with YEDA businesses and its government. The question of whether the sample of 40 interviews is sufficiently large to obtain reliable answers for this research is an additional issue for consideration.
[1] United Nations Statistics Division(2011),World Statistics Pocketbook,United Nations,New York,http://data.un.org/CountryProfile.aspx?crName=China,accessed 13 February 2013.
[2] Guo Genshan and Liu Yuping(2007),“The problems in Economic Growth of China in 1950-1970s and the Causes”,Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition,Bimonthly),Vol. 34,No. 4,07/2007,pp. 196-199.
[3] CCP:Chinese Communist Party.
[4] Different types of FEZs in China will be introduced in section 3 of Chapter 2,pp. 30-34.
[5] As mentioned,by the end of 2010,the number of ETDZs is 116 and the number of SEZs is 5.
[6] For example:Grubel,Herbert G.(1982),“Towards a Theory of Free Economic Zones”,In:Journal of International Economics,No. 4,pp. 39-61.