Where can learning AI take you?
I'd like to motivate you by showing you that you made the right choice to learn AI. To do this, I'll take you on a tour of all the incredible applications AI can and will have in the 21st century. I have a vision of how AI can transform the world, and this vision is structured around 10 areas.
In 2016, Google used AI to reduce energy consumption in its data centers by more than 30%. If Google has done it for data centers, it could be done for an entire city. By building a smart AI platform using Internet of Things (IoT) technology, the consumption and distribution of energy can be optimized on a large scale.
AI has enormous promise for healthcare. It can already diagnose diseases, make prescriptions, and design new drug formulas. Combining all these skills into a smart healthcare platform will allow people to benefit from truly personalized medical care. This would be amazing for society. The challenges in achieving this are not only present in the technology, but also in getting access to anonymous patient data, which so far is protected by regulations.
Transport and logistics
Self-driving vehicles are becoming a reality. There is still a lot to achieve, but the technology is constantly improving. By building smart digital infrastructures, AI will help reduce the number of accidents and considerably reduce traffic. Also, self-driving delivery trucks and drones will speed up logistic processes, therefore boosting the economy; mostly through one of its bigger engines, the e-commerce industry.
Today, we live in the era of Massive Open Online Courses. Anyone can learn anything online. This is great because the whole world can get access to an education; but it's definitely not enough. A significant improvement would be the personalization of education; everyone learns differently, and at different paces. Some, namely extroverts, will prefer the classroom, while others, introverts, will learn better at home. Some are more visual, while others are more auditory. Taking these and other factors into account, AI is a powerful technology that could deliver personalized training, optimizing everyone's learning curve.
Computer vision has made tremendous technological progress. AI can now detect faces with a high level of accuracy. Not only that, the number of security cameras is increasing significantly. All this could be integrated into a global security platform to reduce crime, increase public safety, and disincentivize people from breaking the law. Besides this, AI and Machine Learning are powerful technologies already used in fraud detection and prevention.
AI can build powerful recommender systems. We already see platforms of digital recruitment, where AI matches the best candidates to jobs. This not only has a positive impact on the economy, but also on people's happiness, since work makes up more than half of a person's life.
Smart homes and robots
Smart homes, IoT, and connected objects are developing massively. Robots will assist people in their homes, allowing humans to focus on more important activities like their work or spending quality time with their family. They will also help elderly people to live in their home independently, or even allow them to stay active at work, for much longer.
Entertainment and happiness
One downside of technology today is that despite the fact people are so virtually connected, they feel more and more lonely. Loneliness is something we must fight against in this century, as it is very unhealthy for people. AI has a great role to play in this fight, since it is again a powerful recommender system, which can not only recommend relevant movies and songs to users, but also connect people through recommended activities based on their past experiences and common interests.
Through a global smart platform of entertainment, AI technology could help like-minded people to socialize and meet physically instead of virtually.
Another idea to fight loneliness is companion robots, which will be entering homes more and more over the next decade. One branch of AI in the Research and Development phase is emotion creation. This is the branch of AI that will allow robots to show emotions and empathy, and therefore interact more successfully with humans.
Using computer vision, machines could optimize waste sorting and redistribute the cycles of trash more efficiently. Combining pure AI models with IoT can optimize power and water consumption by individuals. Programs already exist on some platforms that allow people to track their consumption in real time, therefore collecting data. Integrating AI could minimize this consumption, or optimize the distribution cycles for beneficial reuse. Combined with traffic reduction and the development of autonomous vehicles, this will considerably reduce pollution, which will create a healthier environment.
Economy, business, and finance
AI is taking the business world by storm. Earlier, I mentioned the study done by PwC showing how AI could contribute up to $15 trillion to the global economy in 2030 (https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/issues/data-and-analytics/publications/artificial-intelligence-study.html). But how can AI generate so much income? AI can bring significant added value to businesses in three different ways: process automation, profit optimization, and innovation. In my vision of an AI-driven economy, I see the majority of companies adopting at least one AI technology, or having an AI department. In finance, we can already see some jobs being replaced by robots. For example, the number of financial traders was significantly reduced after the development of trading robots that perform well on high-frequency trades.
As you can see, the robot world has a lot of great directions for you to take. AI is already in a dynamic place and it's picking up strong momentum as it moves forward. My professional purpose is to democratize AI and incentivize people to make a positive impact in this world thanks to AI—who knows, perhaps your purpose will be to work with AI for the good of humanity. I'm sure that at least one of these 10 applications resonates in you; if that's the case, work hard to become an AI master and you will have the chance to make a difference.
If you are ready to break into AI, or simply want to increase your knowledge, let's begin!