5 调皮的我
★你把手指弄伤了吗?Did you hurt your finger?
★如果你招惹他,他会揍你的。If you provoke him, he will beat you.
★别这么胆小,年轻人!Don’t be such a coward, young man!
★小心别打碎花瓶。Be careful not to break the vase.
★别耍我了!Don’t pull my leg!
duel 决斗
•争论 contend
•斗争 battle
•战斗 combat
•竞争 contest
•竞赛 competition
hostile 敌对的
•敌意 hostility
•不友好的 unfriendly
•好战的 militant
•仇恨的 bitter
escape 逃跑
•逃跑 flee
•逃避 evade
•逃脱 get away
•九死一生 narrow escape
hurt 使受伤
•擦伤 bruise
•伤害 harm
•受伤 injure
•伤口 wound
quarrel 吵架
•争论 argue
•辩论 dispute
•爱争吵的 quarrelsome
•与人关系融洽 get on good terms with sb.
even 平手
•打成平局 play even
•获胜 win
•胜利者 winner
•失败 lose
•失败者 loser
get back at 报复
•以牙还牙 give him tit for tat
•复仇 revenge take vengeance on
•报复 retaliate
shout 叫喊
•嚎叫 howl
•召集 call
•尖叫 scream shriek
•大叫 yell
kick 踢
•揍某人一顿 kick one’s ass
•开球 kick-off
•射门得分 goal
torment 折磨
•折磨 agonize torture
•痛苦 pain
•迫害 persecute
intrigue 密谋
•阴谋 conspiracy
•密谋 plot
•搞阴谋 scheme
•迷人的 intriguing
leave sb. out 孤立
•抛弃 abandon
•离开 depart
•退出 quit
•别管我 leave me alone
coward 胆小鬼
•胆小鬼 chicken
•懦弱的人 weakling
•勇敢的 courageous
•怯懦 cowardice
mischief 恶作剧
•搬弄是非 mischief-making
•恶作剧 prank a practical joke
pull one’s leg 开某人玩笑
•开玩笑 kid
•讲笑话 crack a joke
•取笑 make fun of sb.
•嘲笑 laugh at
bet 打赌
•赌博 gamble
•赌注 wager
•打赌 make a bet
•赌场 casino gambling house
bluff 虚张声势
•欺骗 take in
•哄骗 delude
•戏弄 trick
embarrass 使困窘
•羞辱 humiliate
•羞耻 shame
•感到尴尬 abash
•使尴尬 disconcert
piece together 拼凑
•拼凑 piece up scratch together
•收集 collect
irritate 使恼怒
•鼓动 agitate
•惹恼 annoy
•煽动 incite
•激起 provoke
ignore 不理
•无知的 ignorant
•疏忽 neglect
•微不足道的 negligible
•失职的 neglectful
ridiculous 荒唐的
•愚蠢的 foolish
•滑稽的 ludicrous
•奇异的 bizarre
•荒唐的 absurd
•荒谬的 preposterous
break 打碎
•损害 damage
•粉碎 smash
•打碎 shatter
•损坏 break down
graffiti 涂鸦,乱写
•涂鸦 doodle
•乱涂 scrabble
•画画 draw
go too far 太过分
•走极端 go overboardgo over the edgego to extremes
get on one’s nerves 惹火
•令人不安 upset
•打扰 disturb
•焦虑的 unquiet
•焦躁不安的 restless
stay away from 远离
•离开 leave
•远离 far away from
•离开 departure
•走开 turn away
interrupt 打断
•插话 break in
•阻碍 hinder
•中断 interruption
•使烦恼 disturb
bold 大胆的
•自大的 arrogant
•爱冒险的 adventurous
•懦弱的 cowardly
•胆小的 timid
worry 使发愁
•使烦恼 trouble
•骚扰 molest
•麻烦事 matter
problem child 问题儿童
•少年犯罪 juvenile delinquency
•问题儿童/少年 troubled kid/teens
mean 坏心眼的
•恶意的 malicious
•狭隘的 petty
•坏脾气的 ill-humored
•不厚道的 unkind
cheeky 自大的
•自大的 arrogant
•自傲的 proud
•傲慢的 insolent
•不礼貌的 impolite
•无礼的 impertinent
•侮辱的 insulting
naughty 顽皮的
•淘气的 mischievous
•不顺从的 disobedient
•精力充沛的 vigorous
•充满活力的 energetic
talk back to 顶嘴
•爱顶嘴的 lippy
•斗嘴 bicker
•顶嘴 mouth off to/answer back to
call sb. names 说坏话
•咒骂 swear
•诅咒 curse
•辱骂 abuse
•责骂 scold
rebel against 反抗
•叛逆的 rebellious
•对抗 defy
•违反 disobey
•叛乱 revolt
•暴乱 riot
show off 炫耀
•自吹自擂 boast
•自夸 brag
•轻视 belittle
•贬低 depreciate
sour grapes 酸葡萄心理
•嫉妒 envy
•妒忌心 jealousy