3.2 Storm Surge,Tsunami and Wave Survey
3.2.1 The storm surge and tsunami survey shall cover wind speed,wind direction,tide level,earthquake,wave,rainfall,occurrence time,process and destructions to buildings and structures.
3.2.2 For the storm surge and tsunami survey,historical records of and impact analysis report on local extraordinary storm surge or tsunami shall be collected.
3.2.3 During the reconnaissance survey process,the water marks resulting from storm surges or tsunamis should be identified in the stagnant area not exposed to waves,and supporting evidences shall be provided.The possibility that they are higher than the actual level due to waves shall be analyzed.
3.2.4 For the wave survey,information on the historical high waves such as the height,direction,occurrence time,cause,duration,wind regime and consequential damages shall be investigated on basis of strong wind and wave data in the vicinity of the plant site.
3.2.5 The obtained wave data shall be analyzed in conjunction with the strong wind data to estimate the return period and determine whether the waves are broken or not.
3.2.6 The survey results of storm surge,tsunami and wave shall be verified for reliability and rationality by referencing the historical records.