9. 属格的主格作用和宾格作用
“那囚犯的处死引起了很大的非议”一句,译成英文的“The prisoner’s execution has caused a lot of public censure.”。据说译错了,但不知错在什么地方?请详加说明。
【解答】这句英文应改正为“The execution of the prisoner has caused a lot of public censure.”才对。英文的惯用法对于属格(Possessive)是很复杂的,比方照规则是有生物用〔’s〕,无生物用of,但例外很多,而且界说不明,植物也算是无生物,时间和距离,乃至度量衡又可作有生物看待。最无定准的是属格本身既可作主格解释,又可作宾格解释,不看前后文是没有法子作决定的,例如his praise到底是“他赞美别人”还是“别人赞美他”,是不能说一定的,二者都可以解释,试看下举的二例:
(a)She has come to sing his praise.(她来赞美他。)
(b)She doesn’t want his praise.(她不要他赞美。)
(a)句中的his是宾格作用的属格(Objective Possessive),所以his praise意为“赞美他”,而(b)句中的his 是主格作用的属格(Subjective Possessive),所以his praise 意为“他赞美”。现在再举几个例子对照如下:
(a)They hurried to their father’s rescue.(他们赶快去救父亲。)(Obj. Poss.)
(b)Thanks to their father’s rescue,they could return home safe.(幸获父亲援救,他们才能安然回家。)(Subj. Poss.)
(a)A monument is dedicated to his memory.(为纪念他而建立的石碑。)(Obj. Poss.)
(b)His memory is very bad.(他的记忆力很坏。)(Subj. Poss.)
a mother’s love of children(母爱)(Obj. Poss.)
the love of Browning for Italy(英诗人白朗宁对意大利的爱)(Subj. Poss.)
这种属格一共有三种形态,即用“名词+〔’s〕”的,如father’s rescue;用代名词的,如his rescue;及用of的,如the rescue of their father。可是这三种形态,并不完全相等,有时含义及用法都大有不同。大致说来,用代名词的多为主格作用,如:
his choice = the person or thing he has chosen
his want = the want which he feels
in my sight = where I can see
the choice of him = the act of choosing him
the want of him = the want which others feel of him
at the sight of me = seeing me
用名词与用代名词之间,有时也有很大的区别,尤其是用于宾格作用的时候,是不可以用名词的,只能用代名词或of两种办法。现在我们明白了,为什么问题中的句子,不能说the prisoner’s execution,而一定要改为the execution of the prisoner的原因了吧。不用of,而用代名词,说成his execution原是可以的,不过“他”是谁呢?要使读者或听者懂得“他”是谁,就非把prisoner一字说出不可,所以在这种情形之下,his execution的表现法是用不着的。
(a)He has never recovered her loss.(Obj. Poss.)
(b)She has never recovered her loss.(Subj. Poss.)
(a)The prisoner desired to see his wife before his execution.(Obj. Poss.)
(b)His execution of the task was admirable.(Subj. Poss.)
在上面两个主格作用的句子(b)当中,属格的用法是简单明了的,用不着多加说明。唯有宾格作用的用法值得注意。例如(a)句中的her loss及his execution是可以改为the loss of his mother(失恃)及the execution of the prisoner(将囚犯处死),但不能说his mother’s loss及the prisoner’s execution。
属格如果是用于宾格作用的话,惯用法是要用代名词,而不用名词的。对人如此,对物亦然。上例说,“失去他的母亲”而用his mother’s loss,是宾格作用,所以不行;如果是主格作用,意为“他母亲的损失”,自然是可以说的了。我们不能说the article’s use,但可以说its use;我们不能说a room’s length,但可以说its length。例如:
If you deny my statement,I can produce witnesses to prove its truth.(如果你要否认我的陈述,我可以提出证据来证明它的真实。)
这种宾格作用常要发生误解,最好尽量少用,因为意义暧昧不明。至于主格作用与宾格作用,也是很难分辨的,例如美总统林肯的名言,“government of the people,by the people and for the people . . . ”,句中的by the people,显然是主格作用,而for the people,显然是宾格作用,但of the peo-ple就是二者皆可的。