■ 谷云有 李秀维 王建强 王海燕
(国家碘缺乏病参照实验室 北京)
目的 考核各级尿碘实验室和盐碘实验室的检测能力及其持续性,了解各省实验室外质控网络的管理和运行情况。
方法 尿碘采用Z比评分法进行检测结果的统计学评价,Z分值的公议值来自所有参加实验室;盐碘采用参考值±不确定度的方法对检测结果进行评价。
结果 参加尿碘能力验证的32个省级单位的尿碘实验室全部反馈了质控结果并通过了能力验证,352个地市级尿碘实验室的反馈率为98.3%,合格率为97.2%,170个县级尿碘实验室通过了能力验证;参加考核的省级盐碘实验室全部合格,地市级盐碘实验室反馈率是98.6%,合格率是97.7%,县级盐碘实验室反馈率是100%,合格率是98.5%。
结论 全国省级尿碘实验室的检测结果非常接近,实验室内和实验室间变异很小,检测精密度和准确度均保持了较高的水平,采用参考值和不确定度评价方法,其结果基本上与Z分值评价法相符;大部分地市级实验室的尿碘检测能力保持了较高的水平;170个县级实验室参加并通过了能力验证;建议各级实验室要常规进行内部质量控制和常规使用标准物质,并通过参加能力验证使检测质量得到持续提高;全国只有2.3%的地市盐碘实验室和1.5%的县级盐碘实验室不合格,通过几年全国实验室网络的运行和持续的技术培训,各级盐碘实验室的检测能力有了明显的提高。
ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the sustained performance ability of urinary iodine labs at different levels and the operating situation of quality control network for iodine testing and to evaluate the testing ability for salt iodine of labs which take part in the External Independent Quality Assurance Programs for IDD labs across China. Methods The urinary iodine and the salt iodine testing results from the participatory labs were evaluated by using standard Z score generated from all of the labs and value±uncertainty respectively. Results All of the 32 provincial participatory labs for urinary iodine testing had fed back their testing results, and were qualified.At the prefecture level, the feedback rate was 98.3%, and qualified rate was 97.2%.170 county UI labs got through the proficiency testing.All 31 provincial laboratories for salt iodine testing were qualified in the proficiency testing.Feedback rate was 98.6%and qualified rate was 97.7%at prefecture level.At the county level, the feedback rate and qualified rate were 100% and 98.5% respectively. Conclusions The results of the provincial labs for urinary iodine testing are quite close, and the variations inside each lab and inter-lab are small.In addition, the accuracy and precision are maintained at a high level.The urinary iodine testing ability of most prefecture labs has been significantly improved.At county level, 170 labs for urinary iodine testing participated in the network and passed the proficiency testing.It is suggested that internal quality control should be emphasized and reference materials should be routinely used in labs at different levels.The unqualified rates for salt iodine testing were only 2.3%and 1.5%respectively at prefecture and county level.The testing ability at different levellaboratories has been significantly improved through national laboratory network operation and sustained technical training.
全国各级碘缺乏病实验室是碘缺乏病监测评估的重要组成单元,对于保障监测评估结果的准确可靠起着重要的作用,因此经常性开展实验室检测考核和能力验证是非常必要的 [1]。2014年,国家碘缺乏病参照实验室(NRL)对各级实验室进行了尿碘检测的能力验证,现将结果报告如下。