第四节 必备词汇
安全感 a feeling of security
保障下岗职工基本生活 guarantee the basic needs of laid-off workers
不断跳槽 skip from job to job
不同的经验 a diverse mix of experience
财富急剧增长 multiply one's wealth
长期经常性跳槽者 chronic job-hopper
超时工作 work overtime
成本低的 cost-effective
传统的朝九晚五 the traditional nine-to-five office routine
促进社会发展 accelerate social development
挫折感 a sense of frustration
大量的问题 a huge array of problems
单调的工作 humdrum job
低价劳动力 low-priced labour
多才多艺 versatile talent
多年的辛苦努力 years of concentrated efforts
额外的费用 extra expenses
非常疲倦 be tired out
分担责任 share the responsibility
丰富的工作经验 a broad range of work experiences
改进的生活方式 an improved lifestyle
高经济收入 high financial reward
高科技领域 high-tech world
高收入的工作 well-paid job
各行各业 different walks of life
工作的满足感 job satisfaction
公共财产 public property
公众人物 public figure
沟通技巧 communication skill
固定收入 regular income
关心物质待遇 be concerned about material gains
归属感 a sense of belonging
过上体面的生活 lead a decent life
过着懒散的生活 lead an indolent life
和睦相处的家庭关系 harmonious family atmosphere
基本的生活技能 basic life-skills
极度贫穷的 poverty-stricken
加强家庭联系 strengthen family bonds
家庭暴力 domestic violence
交通堵塞 traffic congestion
接触到最新的信息 have quick and easy access to the latest/up-to-date information
接受新思想 embrace new ideas
经济资助 financial aid
精神崩溃 mental breakdown
精神食粮 spiritual nourishment
竞争意识 competitive consciousness
就业机会 employment opportunity
具有挑战性和前景的职位 challenging and promising position
可以使用 have access to
良性循环 benignant circle
两代的冲突 generation clash
琳琅满目的商品 a variety of commodities
灵活的工作时间表 flexible work schedule
旅游胜地 tourist resort
内心世界 inner world
内在素质 inner quality
疲倦的 be worn out
平衡工作和家庭的关系 balance work and family
求职者 job-hunter, job-seeker
驱除孤独 drive off loneliness
缺乏大人的陪伴 lack of adult companionship
人身攻击 personal assault
认真思考某事 give careful thought to sth.
社会地位 social status
社会地位和权力 social position and power
生活背景和经历 life backgrounds and experiences
生活费用 cost of living
生活节奏 living tempo
生活水平 living standard
使技能不断更新 keep skills fresh and up to date
受过良好教育的 well-educated
一个受过良好教育的群体 a well-educated population
思维方式 way of thinking
思想狭隘的 narrow-minded
缩小差距 bridge the gap
提升个人能力 improve personal skills
体力活动 physical activity
体面的工作 a decent job
同等对待 be equally treated
同甘共苦 share the weal and woe(joys and sorrows/comforts and hardships)
西方文明 western civilisation
吸引注意力 grab the attention
先进的通信设施 advanced communication means
闲暇时间的活动 leisure hour activity
相互了解 mutual understanding
消除代沟 bridge the generation gap
消除误会 remove/clear up misunderstanding
孝敬老人 show filial obedience to the older generation
心理素质 psychological quality
训练有素的专业人员 well-trained professional
要求高的工作 demanding position
以不法行为(途径) by unlawful/illegal means
饮食行业 catering industry
拥挤的公共交通 crowded public transport
用完 run out of
有效的时间安排 effective time management
有效率的工作环境 productive work environment
舆论 public opinion
展示某人的才能 exhibit/display one's talent
争取权益 struggle for rights
正规教育 formal education
职业技能 professional skill
职业猎头 professional head-hunter
致力于(做)某事 dedicate oneself to(doing)sth.
置若罔闻 turn a deaf ear to
主要的促进因素 prime motivator
专门从事 be specialised in
追求职业目标 pursue their career goals
自我实现 self-fulfillment, self-realisation
自我为中心的 self-centred
尊老 show respect for the elderly
小学教育 primary-level education
中学教育 secondary-level education
大学教育 tertiary-level education
职业教育 vocational education/training
大学入学考试/高考 University Entrance Examination
标准测试 a standardised test
高等教育 higher education
基本理论 fundamental theories
理解和分析能力 ability of comprehension and analysis
学习成绩 academic performance
上课 attend class
获取知识 acquire knowledge
抓住书的要点 grasp the gist of a book
平均分 average score
充分发挥 bring into full play
开阔视野 broaden one's mind/horizon
扩大知识面 broaden one's scope of knowledge
男女同校 co-education
体罚 corporal punishment
有助于个性的发展 facilitate the development of individuality
形成一个好的学习习惯 form a good habit of studying
培养能力 foster one's capability
频繁重复 frequent repetition
在较好的环境中长大 grow up under more favourable circumstances
更好地掌握 have a better grasp of
使天生的想象力得到训练 have one's innate powers of imagination trained
认清职业兴趣和目标 identify his/her career interests and goals
传授知识 impart knowledge
提高教学效果 improve teachers' performance
在不同的学习阶段 in different learning stages
差生 inferior students
强化责任感 intensify the sense of responsibility
培养竞争与合作精神 foster a sense of competition and cooperation
智商 IQ (intelligence quotient)
知识渊博的,有见识的 knowledgeable
取长补短 learn from each other's strengths to offset their own weaknesses
远程教育 long-distance education
维持学习的延续性 maintain the continuity of learning
作出正确判断 make correct judgement
衡量教育质量 measure the quality of education
死记硬背 learn things by rote/memorise information mechanically
信息记忆 memorisation of information
智力发展 mental growth
良师益友,导师,指导者 mentor
导师 tutor
培养强烈的竞争意识 nurture a strong sense of competition
整体理解 overall comprehension
拥有明显优势 possess an apparent advantage over
贫困学生 poverty-stricken students
实用的技巧和方法 pragmatic skills and methods
学前教育 preschool education
素质教育 quality-oriented education
接受必要的教育 receive adequate education
奖学金 scholarship
校服 school uniform
危机感 sense of crisis
塑造儿童的性格 shape(mold)children's character
知识来源 source of knowledge
以学生为中心的教育 student-oriented education
教学大纲 syllabus
参加入学考试 take an entrance examination
从事兼职工作 take a part-time job
教育工作者 teaching staff
独立学习的能力 the ability of studying independently
信息爆炸的时代 the age of information explosion
填鸭式的教学方法 the cramming method of teaching
最实用的方法 the most practical method
最简单的方法 the simplest method
学费 tuition
陷入学费支付的忧虑中 get into the anxiety of tuition paying
发挥创造潜能 use one's creative potential
在大学里重视他们的学习 value their study in college
适应性强 well-adapted
受过良好教育 well-educated
过度宠爱 excessive permissiveness
为……负责 be responsible for
承担义务 assume the obligation/responsibility
责任感 the sense of responsibility
推卸责任 pass the buck(to)/shirk one's obligation
青少年(复数) youths/youngsters/adolescents
报答父母 repay one's parents
人才 talented person
精英 elite
本科生 undergraduate
毕业生 graduate
研究生 postgraduate
博士 doctor
博士学位 doctorate
博士后的 postdoctoral
证书 diploma/credential
传授知识 impart/inculcate knowledge
灌输高尚的道德观 instill high moral values(注意values复数表示价值观)
给学生以动力 give the students motivation to do sth. /motivate the students to do sth.
给学生以灵感 stimulate the students' thought/give the students inspiration
培养(某种素质) cultivate/foster/nurture
促进学生身心的发展 promote the student's physical/mental/intellectual and emotional development
心理健康 psychological soundness/well-being/welfare
能力(先天获得) aptitude/talent
能力(后天学习得到) ability/skill
儿童接受的家庭教育 upbringing/parenting
教学法 methodology/pedagogical methodology
用填鸭式教学来教育学生 force-feed the students
为了记忆而记忆 memorise for memorisation's sake
记忆方程式、公式、定理、定律 memorise equations, formulas, theorems and laws
应用 apply
盲从 follow something blindly/indiscriminately
限制创造力的发展 extinguish/stifle/constrain creativity
打击学生的积极性 dampen/sap the students' enthusiasm/frustrate the students
产生不必要的压力 beget/create undue pressure
把学生分开教育 segregate students
来自其他同学的压力 peer pressure
适应 adapt to sth./adjust oneself to sth./become accustomed to sth.
适应能力 adaptability
逆境 adverse circumstances/adversity
团队精神 team spirit
独立思考 think independently
在理解的基础上学习 learn things through understanding
鼓励学生用辩证的眼光看问题 encourage students to think critically
学生的反馈 students' feedback
评价老师的教学 appraise/evaluate their teachers' performance
学生对老师所教知识的掌握 students' grasp/command of what has been taught
全部课程(学生学习的各门功课加在一起) curriculum
课外活动 extra-curricular activities
不遵守纪律 indiscipline/misbehaviour/mischief
不遵守纪律的学生 disruptive/unruly students
理论知识 theoretical knowledge
计算机知识 computer literacy
就业技能 employable/marketable skills
通才 generalist
专才 specialist
全面发展的 well-rounded/versatile
为社会健康发展作贡献 contribute to societal well-being/welfare
人文学科 humanities(含文学、历史、语言学等)
社会学科 social sciences(含政治、经济学、社会学等)
艺术 arts(含音乐、雕塑等)
文科(总称) liberal arts/ liberal studies
理科(总称) sciences
工科 engineering(含工程、自动化等)
(大学里任何一个)学科 discipline
基础科学 basic sciences
应用科学 applied sciences
灵活的时间安排 flexible scheduling
灵活的工作选择 flexible working options
追求职业目标 pursue their career goal
远程办公 telecommuting
工作时间表 work schedule
竞争力 competitiveness
尽责的,谨慎的 conscientious
在家庭和事业之间挣扎 juggle family and career
适应性 adaptability
使自己适应…… adapt oneself to…
繁荣 prosperity
对……不利 be disadvantageous to…
人才流动 flow of personnel
人才流动机制 mechanism of personnel flow
适者生存 survival of the fittest
成就感 a sense of accomplishment
潜能 potentiality
学习合作和妥协 learn to cooperate and compromise
对……印象很深 be deeply impressed with…
企业文化 company philosophy
灵活性 flexibility
竞争激烈的 competitive
舞台 arena
团队合作精神 team-work spirit
珍惜机会 treasure opportunity
收入颇丰 a fat salary
和谐的人际关系 a harmonious interpersonal relationship
物质待遇 material gains
光明的前途 promising future
光明的前景 bright prospect
一份具有挑战性的工作 a challenging job
转折点 turning point
与……息息相关 be closely related to…
出人头地 get advanced in society
一份体面的工作 a decent job
升迁机会 chance of promotion
稳定感和满足感 stability and satisfaction
使技能可以不断更新 keep skills fresh and up-to-date
开阔视野 expand one's horizon
平衡工作和生活 balance work and life
朝九晚五一族 from-nine-to-five
承担起自己的责任 shoulder/undertake one's responsibility
提升自我 upgrade oneself
高收入的工作 a well-paid job
创造性的工作 creative work
迎接挑战 stand up to / meet the challenge
实现人生价值 realise the value of life
丰富一个人的社会阅历 enrich one's social experience
培养自己的独立性和坚韧性 cultivate one's independence and toughness
追求个人发展 seek for personal development
展示才能 display one's talent
自我实现感 a sense of self-fulfillment
提升机会 promotion opportunity
满足某人的个性化需求 meet one's personalised needs
确定自己的角色 define one's role
社会认可 social recognition
获取经验 accumulate experience
鼓舞人心的 inspiring
动机 motivation
工作狂 workaholic
工作环境 working environment
加班 work overtime
提高某人的能力 improve one's capabilities
培养才智 develop one's talents
理想的工作场所 ideal workplace
掌握人际交往的技能 master interpersonal skills
生活节奏加速 the tempo/pace of life has accelerated
疲劳 fatigue
抑郁症 depression
失眠 sleeplessness/sleep-deprivation/insomnia
导致人与人之间疏远 create alienation between people
过于功利的 materialistic/mercenary/money-worshipping
追求最大限度的利润 pursue maximum profit
交通堵塞 traffic jams/traffic congestions/gridlock (最后一个是不可数名词)
阻碍 impede/hinder/hamper/obstruct/inhibit
让人担心的 worrying/worrisome/disturbing/disquieting/disconcerting
危害,破坏 undermine/spoil/do a disservice to sth. /ruin/imperil/endanger/ jeopardise
伤害,毁坏 harm/damage/destruction/devastation
恶化 worsen /deteriorate
导致某种问题更加恶化 amplify /magnify /aggravate a problem
缓解 ease/alleviate/mitigate
在家上班 telecommute
休闲 leisure/recreation
精神上的享受 amusement and enjoyment
娱乐 entertainment/diversion
宽松的管理 laissez-faire management
运营成本 operating costs/overhead costs
雇用 recruit
会导致效率降低的 counterproductive
劳动力资源 labour pool
城市化 urbanisation
集中化 centralisation
不平衡 imbalance
从长远角度而言 in the long run
基础设施 infrastructure
繁荣发展的 booming
第三产业 tertiary industry
宁静 tranquility
税收 revenue
标志 hallmark
交通拥挤 traffic congestion
水短缺 water scarcity
环境污染 environmental pollution
过度工业化 over-industrialisation
过度拥挤 over-crowdedness
失业 unemployment
财富分配 wealth distribution
社会动荡 social instability
城市建设 urban construction
人口激增 population explosion
滋生犯罪 breed crimes
犯罪率上升 a rising crime rate
能源和资源消耗 drain of energy and resources
提供更多的就业机会 offer more job opportunities
快节奏的生活 a rapid pace of life
与压力有关的疾病 stress-related illnesses
高额生活费用 high cost of living
田园生活 pastoral life
阶级两极分化 class polarisation
社会福利 social welfare
给予……特殊关照 give special care to…
城市扩张 urban sprawl
便捷的交通工具 convenient transportation means
更好的医疗服务 better medical services
城市生活压力 pressure of modern life in the city
易于患上…… be vulnerable to…
不好社交的 unsociable
熔炉 melting pot
处于……的边缘 on the brink of…
归咎于…… put the blame on…
归因为…… be attributable to…
消费方式 ways of consumption
遭受重大损失 suffer heavy losses
面临着…… be confronted with…
恶性循环 vicious cycle
一种可行的措施 a feasible measure
优先考虑…… give priority to…
城市规划者 city planners
拆除 tear down
人文历史遗址 humane historical sites
保护文化遗产 preserve cultural relics
蓝图 blueprint
摩天大楼 skyscraper
高层写字楼 high-rise office buildings
城市建设 city construction
结构良好的 well-structured
驱动力 driving force
重建 reconstruct
破坏 destroy
建筑工业 architectural industry
制定出 map out
城市设计 city designing
有特殊审美价值的老房子 old building of special aesthetic value
有特殊历史意义的老房子 building of historic significance
民居 vernacular dwellings
让城市更美观 beautify the cities/better the cityscape
破旧的(房子) decrepit/rundown/rickety/dilapidated
拆除一座建筑 tear down/demolish/raze/knock down a building
高楼 high-rise buildings
城市化 urbanisation
城乡差距 the disparity between the city and the countryside
城市的 urban
乡村的 rural
搬迁 relocate
很大的贫富差距 a big gap between the poor and the rich
供应,供给 accommodate
增加纳税人负担 add burden on the taxpayer
各种基本需求 all kinds of basic needs
资金分配 allocation of funds
协助,援助,补助 assistance
平衡,结余 balance
政府的经济支持 be financially supported by the government
就其本质而言 by nature
信用卡 credit card
减少军费开支 cut down on military expenses
应该要求和得到政府提供的经费 require and deserve funding by the government
丰富我们的生活 enrich our lives
使富足 enrich
财政,金融 finance
财政奖励 financial incentive
金融的,财政的 financial
为全民族的 for the whole nation
差距 gap
政府援助计划 government assistance schemes
层次,层级 hierarchy
利息率 interest rate
在艺术和体育设备上投资 invest in arts and sports facilities
在武器和国防上投资更多 invest more in weapons and national defense
投资 invest
保持平衡 keep a balance
利用 make use of
许多不同的方式 many different ways
误用,滥用 misuse
透支 overdraw
资助艺术 patronise arts
资助 patronise
发挥外交作用 play a diplomatic function
保护文化、历史和艺术遗产 preserve cultural, historic and artistic heritage
以利润为导向的 profit-oriented
宣传他们的产品或服务 promote their products or services
为……提供援助 provide assistance to
保卫国家不受潜在威胁 safeguard the country from potential threat
稳定的财政支持 stable financial support
投资国防 subsidise national defense
资助,补贴 subsidise
坚固的,实质的,充实的 substantial
支持球队或球员 support a team or player
扶持,支持 support
不同的发展阶段 the different developing stages
军费支出 the military expenditure
国家防御部门 the national defense-related sector
国家防御力量 the power of national defense
浪费金钱 waste of money
没有任何歧视 without any discrimination
健壮的身体 a well-turned body
敢于冒险的人 adventurous person/adventurer
有氧运动 aerobic exercise
有氧训练 aerobic training
依靠氧气的,增氧健身法的 aerobic
无氧训练 anaerobic training
仰泳 backstroke
平衡木 balance beam
杠铃 barbell
棒球 baseball
篮球场 basketball court
篮球 basketball
好身体 be in good health
处于良好的健康状态 be in shape
身材走形 be out of shape
肚皮舞 belly dance
身形/身材 body shape
蛙泳 breaststroke
吸气 breathe in
吐气 breathe out
加强肌肉训练 build up one's muscles
蹦极跳 bungee jumping
燃烧卡路里 burn calorie
心血管训练 cardiovascular training
心血管的 cardiovascular
挑战生命极限 challenge the extreme of life
锦标赛 championship
俱乐部会员 club member
沟通技巧 communication skills
板球 cricket
骑自行车运动 cycle racing
危险运动 dangerous sports
体育馆内的活动 exercise in gymnasium
呼气,发出 exhale
急救箱 first aid kit
健身中心 fitness centre
健身俱乐部 fitness club
健身器材 fitness equipment
弯曲(关节),收缩(肌肉) flex
放风筝 fly kites
塑形,减肥 get in shape
单杠 horizontal bar
冰球 ice hockey
促进新陈代谢 increase one's metabolism
吸入,吸气 inhale
柔道 judo
保持体形 keep in shape
举重 lift weights
跳绳 loop skipping
减肥 lose fat/weight
垫上运动 mat exercise
会费 membership fee
精神状况 mental condition
新陈代谢 metabolism
登山 mountain climbing
肌肉结实度 muscle tone
国家荣誉 national honour
奥运会 Olympic Games/Olympics
户外运动 outdoor sports
喜爱户外运动的人 outdoor type
双杠 parallel bar
投资体育设备 patronise sports facilities
健康状况 physical condition
撑竿跳高 pole vault
肌肉拉伤 pull/strain a muscle
减少脂肪 reduce fat
代表他们的国家 represent their country
轮滑,滑旱冰 roller skating
橄榄球 rugby
体形 shape
推铅球 shot-put/shot put
仰卧起坐 sit-up/situp
滑冰 skating
滑雪 skiing
缓解疲劳 soothe/ease fatigue
露天大型运动场 stadium
保持活力 stay motivated
肌耐力训练 strength training
体育运动的优点 the advantages of exercise
满足竞争天性 satisfy one's competitive nature
加强肌肉锻炼 tone up muscles
使身体健壮 tone up one's body
锦标赛 tournament
田径运动 track and field
肺活量 vital capacity
暖身 warm up
赢得主办权 succeed in the bid to host
世界杯 World Cup
旅游景点 tourist attractions/tourist spots/places of interest
开阔眼界 expand one's vision/horizon
游客与当地人的互动 Tourists can interact with the locals.
促进文化交流 promote cultural communication
吸引 draw/attract/appeal to/be a magnet for somebody
亲身体验 first-hand experience
多种感官体验的(如听觉、触觉等) multi-sensory
相互了解 mutual understanding
把游客和当地人隔离 seclude/isolate the tourist from the locals
商业化 commercialise
欺骗游客的手段 tourist traps
冲突 conflict with
争端 discord/dissension
间接体验(如通过电视或互联网) second-hand experience
文化遗产 cultural heritage
互联网不会让旅游业过时 The Internet will not render tourism obsolete.
汽车工业 automobile industry
促进经济发展 boost the economic development
征税 levy tax
现代化 modernisation
被视为…… be viewed as…
对……担忧/关注…… be concerned about…
无污染燃料 pollution-free fuel
奢侈品 luxury
慢性铅中毒 chronic lead poisoning
使……充斥着…… fill… with…
汽车的普及 popularisation of cars
把重心放在…… lay emphasis on…
遵守交通规则 observe traffic regulations
违反交通规则 break traffic regulations
遇上堵车 get stuck in traffic
上下班高峰时间 rush hour
缓解交通压力 ease the traffic pressure
行人 pedestrian
人行道 pavement
斑马线 zebra crossing
超速行驶 overspeed
交通堵塞地区,瓶颈路段 bottleneck
制定出积极有效的法律 lay down effective laws
对……实施限制 impose restrictions on
目光短浅的 short-sighted
支柱产业 a pillar industry
充分利用 make full use of
公路网 road networks
限速 speed limits
提高生活质量 enhance the quality of life
付出惨痛的代价 pay a heavy price
促进相关产业的发展 promote the development of relative industries
交通运输工程 transportation engineering
汽车的数量 the number of cars
需要 call for
过度拥挤的 overcrowded
违规者 violator
交通事故 traffic accidents
令人头痛的事 headache
与……相冲突 conflict with…
主要原因 major cause
被……所取代 be replaced by…
为……提供便利 provide convenience for…
电脑监控系统 computer monitoring system
缓解交通堵塞 relieve the traffic congestion
加快车流量 accelerate the flow of traffic
交通法规 traffic laws and regulations
犯罪率上升 a rise in crime rates
犯罪 commit a crime
触犯法律 break/violate/flout/disobey the law
犯罪倾向 criminal tendency
网络犯罪 cybercrime
灾难性的错误 disastrous error
欺骗性的 deceptive
守法的公民 law-abiding citizens
遵守法律 abide by/comply with the law
青少年犯罪的增加 the rise of juvenile delinquency
暴力犯罪 violent crime
犯罪行为 criminal acts
罪行 offences/crimes/criminal acts
走上犯罪道路 embark on the criminal road
无法抵制的 irresistible
给某人造成心理创伤 traumatise someone
危害社会稳定和安全 endanger social stability and safety
对……有不良影响 have unhealthy and harmful effects on…
造成不可逆转的损失 cause irreversible damage
无视 disregard
受害者 victim
罪犯 criminal/offender/culprit/perpetrator
囚犯 inmate/convict
从犯 accomplice/accessory
初犯的人 first-time offender
惯犯 hardened criminals/repeat criminals
重罪 heinous crime/flagitious crime/felony
轻罪 petty crime/misdemeanor
再次犯罪 revert to crime
累犯 recidivism
抓捕 track down/hunt down/capture
创伤 trauma
憎恨社会 resent society/hold a grudge against society
执法部门 law enforcement agencies
牢房 cell/prison
监禁 imprison/incarcerate
教育罪犯 educate/edify criminals
改造罪犯 reform/rehabilitate criminals
宽容的 lenient
有预谋的犯罪 premeditated crime
遏制猖獗的犯罪 curb/halt/check the rampant crimes
对……来说是一个巨大安慰 be a great comfort to…
大众媒体 mass media
娱乐 entertainment
新闻业 journalism
期刊 journal
最新消息 the latest news
独家新闻 exclusive news
通讯社,新闻机构 news agency
新闻封锁 news blockout
新闻审查 news censorship
新闻自由 freedom of the press
新闻报道 coverage
报道…… do reportage on…
上头条 hit the headlines
出版,发行 issue
报摊 newsstand
自由撰稿人 free-lance writer/free-lancer
总编 chief editor
社论 editorial
值得报道的,有新闻价值的 newsworthy
晴雨表 barometer
舆论的晴雨表 the barometer of public opinion
直播 live broadcast
智力竞赛节目 quiz show
游戏节目 game show
综艺节目 variety show
脱口秀 talk show
肥皂剧 soap opera
电影明星 movie star
影帝 movie king
影后 movie queen
绯闻 affair
名人 celebrity/famous person
声名鹊起 rise to fame
侵扰了……的隐私 invade one's privacy
欺骗性的 deceptive
知名度 popularity
丑闻 scandal
轰动的 sensational
普遍的,流行的 prevalent/popular
重要的,必要的 imperative/important/essential/vital
收视率 audience ratings
宣传 propaganda
受……诱导 be abducted by…
净化心灵 purge one's soul
生活在一个虚拟的世界中 live in a virtual world
满足不同口味 meet different tastes
给某人提供某物 provide somebody with something
盲目追逐时尚 follow the fashion blindly
对……来说是难以想象的 be inconceivable to…
给人印象深刻的 impressive
知情权 right to know
打着……的幌子 in the disguise of…
信息时代 information era
使人了解某事 keep one informed about something
观众 audience/viewer
信息爆炸的社会 information-explosion society
有影响的 influential
彻底改变我们获取信息的方式 revolutionise the way we acquire information
各种各样激动人心的节目 various thrilling programmes
低质量节目 poor-quality programmes
夸张 exaggerate
令人享受的 enjoyable
时尚的 fashionable
了解到……,接触到…… be exposed to…
进入千家万户 find its way into every family
地球村 global village
沉溺于…… be indulged in…
对……上瘾 be addicted to…
被……所吸引 be fascinated by…
依赖…… be dependent on…
二手信息 second-hand information
误入歧途 go astray
制造交谈话题 create topics of discussion
批判性思维 critical thinking
有力的交流工具 powerful means of communication
有诱惑力的 tempting
相互了解 mutual understanding
感情交流 exchange of feelings
感情纽带 emotional bond
加强家庭纽带关系 strengthen family ties
与现实隔绝 be detached from reality
明辨是非 distinguish right from wrong
有教育意义的 edifying
电视迷 couch potato
对……有害 be harmful to…
模仿 imitate
难以形容的 inexpressible
身心健康 physical and mental health
激发某人的想象力和创造力 stimulate one's imagination and creativity
不健康的生活方式 unwholesome lifestyle
大量的信息 a great deal of information
侵犯隐私 violate/intrude on/infringe on someone's privacy
破坏某人的名誉 tarnish/sully/smear/besmirch one's reputation
狗仔队 paparazzo(复数是paparazzi)
新闻界 the press
印刷媒体(如报纸、杂志) the print media
报道新闻的机构 news outlets
电子媒体 the electronic media
时事 current affairs
无处不在 prevalent/ubiquitous/pervasive
审查 censor
删除 delete/eliminate/excise
过多的暴力与色情内容 excessive/gratuitous violent and pornographic contents
报道非常详尽的细节 report sth. in graphic detail
媒体炒作 media hype
有误导性的 misleading /distorted
诈骗性的 fraudulent
虚假的 false/bogus
夸大事实 exaggerate things/sensationalise things
充斥着 be awash with/be inundated with/be saturated with sth.
掩盖(丑闻或罪行等) cover up/gloss over/whitewash
不客观的,不公正的 biased/skewed
如实的报道 factual accounts
道德准则 code of ethics/conduct
可信的 reliable/trustworthy/dependable
客观公正的 objective and balanced
及时的 up-to-the-minute/up-to-date(前者比后者更加及时)
信息量大的 informative
娱乐性强的 entertaining
监督 scrutiny/scrutinise/monitor
揭露 expose/reveal
节能的 energy-saving
不可再生资源 non-renewable resources
二氧化碳 carbon dioxide
污染性物质 pollutant
废物处理 waste disposal
废气 exhaust gas
交通方式 means of transportation
交通工具 transportation tools
能源危机 energy crisis
能源消耗 depletion of resources
环保的能源 environment-friendly resources
电磁辐射 electromagnetic radiation
可替代燃料 alternative fuel
对健康构成潜在威胁 pose a threat to health
供应不足 be in short supply
化学污染物 chemical pollutant
节水的习惯 water-saving habit
水的分布 distribution of water
水资源保护 water conservation
水资源短缺 water shortage
饮用水 drinking water
有害物质 hazardous material
在危险中 at risk
被耗尽 be exhausted
城市垃圾 urban garbage
达到高效 achieve high efficiency
当场处罚 on-the-spot fine
对环境不利 be unfriendly to the environment
环境恶化 environmental degradation
火灾隐患 a fire hazard
垃圾的回收和处理 litter collection and disposal
垃圾分类 garbage classification
破坏环境 ruin the environment
提高大众的环保意识promote the public awareness of environmental protection;arouse people's awareness of environmental protection
采取强有力的措施 take stronger and harsher measures
有限的资源 finite resource
认识不够 lack adequate awareness
补救性措施 remedial measure
急性病 acute disease
慢性病 chronic disease
人口密集的 densely-populated
有益健康的 conductive to good health
致命的疾病 fatal disease
广泛地采用 be used intensively
想出一个可行的解决方法 figure out a feasible solution
一个公认的事实 a generally acknowledged fact
使某事成为当务之急 make something a top priority
生态系统 ecosystem/ecological system
某一地区所有植物的总称 the flora
某一地区所有动物的总称 the fauna
某一地区所有生物的总称 the wildlife in a region/the biota (flora+fauna) of a region
生物多样性 biodiversity
生态平衡 ecological balance/ecological equilibrium
可持续发展 sustainable development
环保主义者 environmentalist/conservationist
对环境无害的 environment-friendly
节约使用 conserve
保护 preserve
再利用 reuse/recycle
肥沃的土壤 fertile soil
贫瘠的土壤 infertile soil
耕地 arable land/farmland
增加农产品产量 boost crop yield
开采自然资源 exploit natural resources
短缺 shortage/scarcity/dearth/lack
1. important = crucial = significant
2. common = universal = ubiquitous
3. abundant = ample = plentiful
4. stick = adhere = cling
5. neglect = ignore
6. near = adjacent = adjoin
7. pursue = seek
8. accurate = precise = exact
9. vague = obscure
10. top = peak = summit
11. competitor = rival = opponent
12. blame = condemn
13. opinion = perspective = standpoint
14. fame = prestige = reputation
15. build = erect = establish
16. insult = humiliate
17. complain = grumble
18. primary = radical = fundamental
19. relieve = alleviate
20. force = coerce
21. enlarge = magnify
22. complex = intricate
23. lonely = solitary
24. small = minuscule = minute
25. praise = extol = compliment
26. hard-working = assiduous
27. difficult = arduous
28. poor soil = barren = infertile
29. fragile = brittle = vulnerable
30. show = demonstrate
31. big = massive = tremendous
32. avoid = shun
33. fair = impartial
34. attack = assault = assail
35. dislike = abhor = loathe
36. ruin = devastate
37. impact = implication = ramifications
38. tackle = address = resolve = combat
39. always = invariably
40. forever = perpetual
41. surprise = startle = astound = astonish
42. enthusiasm = zeal = fervency
43. quiet = tranquil = serene
44. expensive = exorbitant
45. luxurious = lavish = sumptuous
46. boring = tedious
47. respect = esteem
48. worry =fret
49. cold = chilly = icy
50. hot = boiling
51. dangerous = perilous = hazardous
52. nowadays = currently
53. only = unique = distinctive
54. stop = cease
55. part = component
56. result = consequence
57. obvious = apparent = manifest
58. based on = derived from
59. enhance = improve
60. quite = fairly
61. pathetic = lamentable
62. field = domain
63. appear = emerge
64. whole = entire
65. wet = moist = damp = humid
66. wrong = erroneous
67. difficult = formidable
68. change = convert
69. typical = quintessential
70. careful = cautious = prudent
71. ability =capacity = capability
72. strange = eccentric
73. rich = affluent
74. use = utilise
75. dubious = skeptical
76. satisfy = gratify
77. short = fleeting = ephemeral
78. scholarship = fellowship
79. angry = enraged
80. smelly = malodorous
81. ugly = hideous
82. attractive = appealing = absorbing
83. diverse = miscellaneous
84. disorder = disarray = chaos
85. crazily = frantically
86. rapid = meteoric
87. ordinary = mundane
88. despite = notwithstanding
89. best = optimal
90. sharp = acute
91. unbelievable = inconceivable
92. puzzle = perplex
93. method = avenue
94. famous = distinguished
95. ancient = archaic
96. decorate = embellish
97. possible = feasible
98. so = consequently = accordingly
99. rare = infrequent
100. greedy = rapacious
1. for the benefit of 为了……的利益(好处)
2. benefit from 受益,得到好处
3. for the better 好转,向好的方向发展
4. to begin with = first of all 首先,第一
5. on behalf of = as the representative of 以……的名义
6. believe in = have faith or trust in = consider sth./sb. to be true 相信,依赖,信仰
7. get the better of = defeat sb.打败,胜过
8. in addition to… 除……之外
9. on(the/an)average 平均,一般来说
10. on the basis of… 根据……,在……的基础上
11. at (the) best 充其量,至多
12. blame sb. for sth. = blame sth. on sb.把……推在某人身上
13. be capable of being 是能够被……的
14. in brief 简言之
15. in bulk 整批散装,大量
16. by chance 偶然,碰巧
17. in charge of… 负责……,主管……
18. be busy with sth.忙于某事
19. last but one 倒数第二
20. but for (=without) 要不是(表示假设)
21. buy sth. for…money 用多少钱买
22. in no case 绝不
23. in any case 无论如何
24. in case = for fear that 万一
25. in case of = in the event of 如果发生……,万一
26. in the case of 至于……,就……而言
27. be cautious of 谨防
28. centre one's attention on = focus one's attention on 把某人的注意力集中在……上
29. be certain of = be sure of 有把握,一定
30. for certain = for sure 肯定地,有把握地
31. on account of 因为,由于
32. in common 共用,共有,共同
33. in conclusion 最后,总之
34. on condition that 在……条件下
35. in connection with/to 关于
36. in consequence 因此,结果
37. in consequence of… 由于……的缘故
38. on the contrary 反之,正相反
39. in contrast with/to… 相比之下
40. under control 被控制住
41. at all costs 不惜任何代价
42. at the cost of… 以……为代价
43. in the course of… 在……过程中,在……期间
44. in detail 详细地
45. in difficulties 处境困难
46. at all events 无论如何
47. in any event 无论如何
48. in effect 实际上
49. with the exception of… 除……之外
50. in the face of… 面对……,不顾……
51. in favour of… 有利于……,赞成……,支持……
52. in general 通常,大体上
53. at heart 在内心,实质上
54. in honour of… 为纪念……,向……表示敬意
55. at intervals 不时,时时
56. at length 终于,最后;详细地
57. at a loss 困惑,不知所措
58. by all means 无论如何,务必
59. by means of… 借助于……,用……
60. by no means 绝不
61. by mistake 错误地
62. in nature 本质上
63. on occasion 有时,不时
64. in particular 特别地,尤其,详细地
65. in the first place 起初,首先
66. in the last place 最后
67. in practice 实际上
68. at present 目前,现在
69. in proportion to… 与……成比例
70. for(the)purpose of… 为了……
71. on purpose 故意,有意
72. at random 随意地,任意地
73. at any rate 无论如何,至少
74. by reason of… 由于……
75. with/in regard to… 对于……,就……而论
76. with respect to… 关于……
77. even though 尽管
78. in general = by and large 一般来说
79. in terms of 在……方面
80. as a matter of fact 事实上
1. indeed 的确
2. surely 无疑
3. however 然而
4. obviously 显然
5. frankly 坦率地说
6. naturally 自然
7. luckily for sb.算某人幸运
8. fortunately /luckily幸好
9. honestly 真的
10. briefly 简单地说
11. strange to say 说也奇怪
12. needless to say 不用说
13. most important of all 最为重要的是
14. in a word = in sum = in short 简而言之
15. in other words 换句话说
16. in a sense 在某种意义上
17. in general 一般说来
18. in my view 在我看来
19. in conclusion 总之
20. in summary 概括地说
21. in fact 事实上
22. in the first place 首先
23. in addition 此外
24. of course 当然
25. to my knowledge 据我所知
26. for instance(或example)例如
27. as a matter of fact 事实上
28. strictly speaking 严格地说
29. generally speaking 一般地说
30. judging from… 根据……判断
31. to be sure 无疑
32. to sum up 概括地说
33. to tell the truth 老实说
34. I am sure 我可以肯定地说
35. I believe 我相信
36. I wonder 我不知道
37. that is to say 也就是说
38. it seems 看来是
39. as I see it 照我看来
40. what is important(serious)重要(严重)的是
after all 毕竟
all the same 仍然
although 虽然
be compared with 与……相比
but 但是
by contrast 相比之下
conversely 相反地
despite 尽管
even if 即使
even though 即使
for all 尽管
however 然而
in comparison with 与……比较
in contrast to 相比之下
in despite of 尽管
in fact 事实上
in spite of 尽管
instead of 替代,代替
just as 正如
nevertheless 然而,不过
nonetheless 尽管如此,不过
notwithstanding 虽然,尽管
on the contrary 正相反
on the other hand 另一方面
or else 否则
otherwise 否则
provided 倘若
rather 宁愿,宁可
still 仍然
though 虽然,可是
virtually 事实上,实质上
whereas 然而,但是
while 然而
yet 尚,且
after 在……之后
afterward 然后,后来
before 在前,以前
between 在……之间
eventually 最后,终于
finally 最后,终于
first 首先,最初
first of all 首先
firstly 第一,首先
for one thing 其一
for another 其二
in the first instance 首先,起初
in the first place 首先,起初
in the next place 其次
last but not least 最后但并非不重要
meanwhile = meantime 其间,其时
next 下一次,其次
second 另一个,第二
secondly 第二,其次
subsequently 后来,随后
then 当时,在那时,然后,于是
third 第三
thirdly 第三
to begin with 首先
until 到……为止,在……以前
a (good) case in point to illustrate…is… 阐明……的一个很好的例子就是……
accordingly 因此,从而
again 又,再
also 也,也是
and 和
as well as 和……一样
besides 除此之外(还有)
both…and 两个都……
either 两者之一
equally important 同等重要
even 甚至
finally 最后
for example 例如
for instance 例如
for one thing 首先,一则
furthermore 而且,此外
in addition to that 此外
in addition 此外
in particular 尤其
in the same way 同样地
like 像,如同
likewise 同样地
moreover 而且,此外
namely 即,那就是
next 接下来
not only…but also… 不但……而且……
one more thing 此外
particularly 特别地,尤其
similarly 相似地,类似地
still 还,仍
such as 例如
together 共同,一起,合起来
together with 和,加之
what's more 而且
above all 最重要,首先
absolutely 绝对地
actually 事实上,实际上
another way of saying 换句话说
approximately 大约,可能
certainly 的确
chiefly 首要,主要地
equally 同样地,相同地
especially 特别,尤其
in other words 换句话说
in particular 特别地;尤其
in practice 在实践中,实际上
indeed 真正地,确实
mainly 主要地
most important 最重要的
namely 即,也就是
of course 当然
primarily 主要地
probably 大概,或许
refer to 提到,提及
specially 特地;专门地
strikingly 突出地,显著地
surely 的确地
surprisingly 惊人地,出人意料地
that is to say 那就是说
What is in particular I mean… 我的意思是……
accordingly 因此,从而
as 因为
as a result 结果
by reason of 由于,因为
because 因为
consequently 结果
contribute to 导致,造成
due to 由于
for 因为,因此
for as much as 由于,既然
for this reason 因此
hence 因此
in respect that 因为……;鉴于……
lead to 导致
owing to 由于
result in 导致
since 既然,因为,由于
so 所以
thanks to 由于
that's why… 正是……的原因
the reason why… …… 的原因
thereby 因此,从而
therefore 所以,因此
thus 如此,因此
accordingly 于是,因此
admittedly 无可否认地,诚然
all in all 总而言之
altogether 总而言之,总的来说
anyhow 无论如何,总之
anyway 无论如何,总之
as a result 结果
consequently 结果
eventually 最终地
finally 最终地,最后地
hence 因此,从此
in balance 总而言之
in brief 简言之
in conclusion 最后,总之
in short 总之
in sum 总之
in summary 总之
in that case 既然那样
lastly 最终地,最后地
lastly to conclude 最后得出结论
on all accounts 无论如何,总之
on balance 总而言之
on the whole 总之
overall 总的说来,大体上
so 所以
then 然后,接着,此外还有
thereby 因此,由此,从而
therefore 因此,所以
thus 因此,从而
to conclude 总之
to put it in a nutshell 总之
to sum up 总之,总结
to summarise 总之,总结
比如这句话:他是个勤劳的人。这句话中“勤劳diligent”可能很多考生不会拼写。但是通过反义正解的方法,比如:他不是懒惰的人 = 他是个勤劳的人。“懒惰”这个单词考生都知道是lazy,所以not lazy=diligent。
可能考生觉得这个例子比较简单,我们可以看这句话:在现在的生活中,压力是不可避免的。“不可避免”对应的英文单词有:inevitable, unavoidable和indispensable等,这些单词基本都是6级词汇,对于考生来说是比较难背的。但通过反义正解,不可避免的 =必要的/必需的,所以inevitable = necessary,这句话就很好表达了。
再比如这个例子:父母经常忽视孩子的成长。“忽视”一般译为neglect/ignore。忽视=不重视,所以,neglect = not pay much attention to。父母经常不重视孩子的成长。这句话就可以表达为:Parents often do not pay much attention to the growth of their children.
政府应该提供资助给难民。“资助”译为sponsor/subsidise, “难民”译为refugee。这两个单词都属于6级词汇,如果用具体解释的方法,则:资助=金钱上的帮助(financial help);难民 = 遭受灾难的人(the people who suffer from disaster)。
The government should provide financial support/help for the people who suffered from disaster.
虐待=(残忍地/不好地/坏地)对待(treat sb. cruelly/badly)
The people who treat children cruelly/badly should be punished.
轻微地=以缓慢的速度(at a slow rate)
The price of houses starts to decrease at a slow rate.
例3:人们应该努力在生态平衡的问题上作出贡献。“生态平衡”译为ecological balance。
生态平衡=人与自然之间的平衡(the balance between human beings and nature)
People should make great contributions to the balance between human beings and nature.
罪犯=违反法律的人(the people who violate/disobey the law)
The government should strictly punish the people who violate/disobey the law.
Washing face with milk every day is wasteful.
improve living quality, and relieve the economic burden of family
improve living level/living standard, and reduce the family spending
毫无争议 = 当然(certainly/surely/must)
He is certainly/surely/must be the best football player.