1. The population of City X decreased by 5 percent while the population of City Y decreased by 7.5 percent
Quantity A: The loss of population by City X
Quantity B: The loss of population by City Y
【解析】由于题目中没有给出X城和Y城的具体人数,因此无法比较Quantity A和Quantity B的大小关系。
2.For all real numbers P and Q, P*Q=P+Q–PQ.
Quantity A: 4*1
Quantity B: 4*2
【解析】根据题干中给出的计算规则可得,4*1=4+1-4×1=0,而4*2=4+2-4×2=-2,因此Quantity A大。
3. A bookshelf contains 16 books written in French and 8 books written in Italian and no other books.75% of the books written in French and 50% of the books written in Italian are removed from the bookshelf.
Quantity A: The proportion of the original number of books remaining on the shelf
Quantity B: 2/3
【解析】根据题意,移除的法语书为16×0.75=12本,意大利语书为8×0.5=4本,那么移除后,书架上还剩下(16+8)-(12+4)=8本书,所以,剩余的书占原来的8/24=1/3,显然,Quantity B要大。
4.Quantity A: The number of primes of which 11 is an integer multiple
Quantity B: The number of primes of which 13 is an integer multiple
5. Mr. Norwalk borrowed $1,000 for one year. Mr. Palisano borrowed $ 500 for two years.
Quantity A: The amount of interest Mr. Norwalk owes on his loan
Quantity B: The amount of interest Mr. Palisano owes on his loan
6. The sum of a group of numbers is 4,550. The average of the group of numbers is 325.
Quantity A: The number of numbers in the group
Quantity B: 15
【解析】根据题干信息可知数值共有4550÷325=14<15,因此Quantity B大。
7. Two students spent a total of 35 hours on a school project. One of the students spent 25% fewer hours on the project than the other.
Quantity A: The difference in the number of hours spent by each
Quantity B: 6
【解析】根据题干中的数量关系可知,两个学生在项目上所用时间的差值为25%×35=8.75,显然Quantity A要大于QuantityB。
8. Quantity A: The least number greater than 12 that is divisible by 12 but not by 8
Quantity B: 48
【解析】根据题意可知,符合要求的Quantity A为36,显然要小于Quantity B。
9.Mary has $ 5 less than Sam, and Mark has half as much money as Sam.
Quantity A: Amount of money that Mary has
Quantity B: Amount of money that Mark has
10.Quantity A: The greatest prime factor of 243
Quantity B: The greatest prime factor of 180
【解析】243=3×3×3×3×3,因此Quantity A=3;而180=3×3×2×2×5,所以Quantity B=5.
11. An apartment building has 5 floors, one of which has only 2 apartments. Each of the other floors has 4 apartments.
Quantity A: 3 times the number of floors in the building
Quantity B: The number of apartments in the building
【解析】根据题干信息可得,Quantity A=3×5=15;Quantity B=2+4×4=18.
12. Quantity A: The time it takes Jimmy to drive 300 miles at a rate of 52 miles per hour
Quantity B: The time it takes Bobby to drive 240 miles at a rate of 40 miles per hour
【解析】根据题干信息,Quantity A=300÷52≈5.77小时;Quantity B=240÷40=6小时。
13. The weight of package x is more than twice the weights of packages y and z combined.
Quantity A: The weight of package z
Quantity B: the weight of package x
【解析】题干并没有给出各个包裹的具体重量,因此无法计算Quantity A和Quantity B的数值。
14.Quantity A: the ratio 3:13
Quantity B: the ratio 13:51
【解析】把两个分数同时乘以分母13和51的最小公倍数663,经比较可知,Quantity B大于Quantity A。
15. 63% of a is 72
Quantity A: 2a
Quantity B: 250
16. Quantity A Quantity B
17.Quantity: A: 5-2
Quantity B: 10-1
【解析】A5 -2=, B =10 -1=0.1,所以A小于B,故本题选B项。
18.Quantity A:
Remainder when 1,003 is divided by 4
Quantity B:
Remainder when 1,004 is divided by 3
【解析】经计算,Quantity A=3,而Quantity B=2,因此,Quantity A大。
19.George scored higher on his science midterm than Mark did.
Quantity A: George’s score on the test
Quantity B: Three times Mark’s score on the test
【解析】题目没有给出两人的具体得分,因此无法确定Quantity A和Quantity B的关系。
20. Quantity A:
Quantity B:
,即Quantity B 大于Quantity A。
21.Quantity A: (30% of 50)+40
Quantity B: (50% of 40) +30
【答案】 A.
22.Quantity A:
Quantity B:
【解析】根据运算法则,从左往右计算得Quantity A=16>12(即Quantity B)。
23.Quantity A
400% of 3
Quantity B
300% of 4
【解析】Quantity A: 400% of 3 =4×3 =12;
Quantity B: 300% of 4 =3×4 =12.
24.Quantity A
The price of a television when it is on sale at 25% off
Quantity B
The price of that television when it’s on sale at $25 off
25.There are the same number of boys and girls in a club.
The average weight of the boys is 150 pounds. The average weight of the girls is 110 pounds.
Quantity A
The number of boys weighing over 150
Quantity B
The number of girls weighing over 110
26. A school group charters three identical buses and occupies 4/5 of the seats. After 1/4 of the passengers leave, the remaining passengers use only two of the buses.
Quantity A
The fraction of the seats on the two buses that are now occupied
Quantity B
【解析】为了计算简便,可以假设每辆汽车上共有20个座位;那么最初占用的座位数是48,然后四分之一(12位)乘客下车后,还剩下36位乘客;因此这36位乘客占用的座位所占的比例为36∕40=9∕10,可见Quantity A与Quantity B相等。
27.Quantity: A (-8)8
Quantity B: (-9)9
【解析】计算可得,Quantity A为-64,而Quantity B为-81;-64>-81,因此,Quantity A大于Quantity B。
28.The price of a large pizza is 30% more than the price of a small pizza.
Quantity A:
The price of a large pizza when it is on sale for30% off
Quantity B:
The price of a small pizza
【解析】为了计算简便,假设小披萨的价格为10美元,那么大披萨的价格为10+10×30%=13美元;因此,Quantity A=13-13×30%=9.1美元<10美元(Quantity B),选择B项。
29. A school group charters three identical buses and occupies of the seats. After of the passengers leave, the remaining passengers use only two of the buses.
Quantity A
The fraction of the seats on the two buses that are now occupied
Quantity B
30. At a sale, the cost of each tie was reduced by 20 percent and the cost of each belt was reduced by 30 percent.
Quantity A
The percent reduction on the total cost of 1 tie and 2 belts
Quantity B
31.Quantity A
The average (arithmetic mean) of all the positive multiples of 5 less than 26
Quantity B
The average (arithmetic mean) of all the positive multiples of 7 less than 26
【解析】符合题干要求的5的倍数有: 5,10,15,20,25,7的倍数有7,14,21,显然Quantity A要大于Quantity B。
32.Quantity A: a 20% pay raise followed by a 15% pay cut
Quantity B: a 15% pay cut followed by a20% pay raise
33.Quantity A: 15 percent of 90
Quantity B: 90 percent of l5
34.A windmill makes one revolution every 8 seconds.
Quantity A: 23
Quantity B: The number of revolutions made in 3 minutes
【解析】根据题目中的数量关系,风车3分钟转的圈数为(3×60)÷8=22.5<23。所以,Quantity A 大于Quantity B。
35.Quantity: A – (4) 2
Quantity B: (-4) 2
【答案】 B
36.Quantity: A 90,000
Quantity B: (298.89) 2
【解析】由于90,000=(300)2 >(298.89) 2 ,所以Quantity A大于Quantity B。
37. Quantity A
Price of a $30,000 car after a 10% discount and 10% sales tax
Quantity B
Price of a $ 30,000 car after a 7% discount and 7 % sales tax
【解析】Quantity A=$30,000×90%+$30,000×90%×10%=$29,700;
Quantity B=$30,000×93%+$30,000×93%×7%=$29,853,显然Quantity B大。
38.Quantity A
Quantity B
【解析】比较可知,Quantity A大于Quantity B.
39.Quantity A
The number of prime numbers between 70 and 76
Quantity B
The number of prime numbers between 30 and 36
【解析】根据题意,Quantity A=2,Quantity B=1.
40. Carol’s age, in years, can be expressed by reversing the digits in her father’s age, in years. The sum of the digits in each age is 10.
Quantity A
The positive difference between Carol’s age, in years, and her father’s age, in years
Quantity B
【解析】根据已知条件无法计算Carl和他父亲的各自年龄,因此无法比较Quantity A和Quantity B的大小。
41. As two wheels-A and B-roll across the ground, they both rotate at a rate of 60 revolutions per second. The radius of wheel A is 3. The radius of wheel B is 1.5.
Quantity A
The distance wheel A travels per minute
Quantity B
The distance wheel B travels per second
【解析】根据题干中的已知条件,Quantity A=60×60×2π×3=21600π,Quantity B=60×2π×1.5=180π,因此Quantity A大。
42.A buyer pays a $1.00 tax on an item that costs $10.00 after the tax is added.
Quantity A
The percentage rate of the tax
Quantity B
【解析】根据题意计算可得,Quantity A大于Quantity B。
43.Quantity A
The ninth number in the following sequence:
{3, 3, 4, 6,9,13...}
Quantity B
【解析】观察Quantity A中的数列可知,3比3大0,4比3大1,6比4大2,9比6大3,13比9大4....按照这一规律可得第九个数值为31;因此两数值相等。