Unit 04
餐厅 厕所 差不多 长城 长江 尝 场 超过 成功 成为 诚实 乘坐
搭配:学校餐厅dining hall;餐厅服务员waiter;restaurant staff
例句:新餐厅什么时候开始营业?When will the new restaurant open?
我们去留学生餐厅吃吧。Let’s have a meal in the dining hall for international students.
搭配:公共厕所communal toilet;comfort station;上厕所to go to the bathroom
例句:北京的公共厕所免费。The public toilets in Beijing are free.
我拉肚子了,一小时上了五次厕所。I had a diarrhea,and went to the toilet five times in one hour.
例句:王红差不多也该到了,我们去办公室等她。Wang Hong will be arriving in soon.Let’s go and wait her in the office.
他那边的情况和这儿也差不多。He has almost the same situation there.
这两个足球队的水平差不多。The two teams are almost the same in performance.
搭配:万里长城the Great Wall
例句:我喜欢长城、故宫、中国电影和中国的一切。I like the Great Wall,the Forbidden City,Chinese movies and everything about China.
我们班同学打算明天去爬长城。Our classmates plan to climb the Great Wall tomorrow.
不到长城非好汉。He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.
搭配:长江大桥the Yangtze River Bridge
例句:长江是世界第三长河。The Yangtze River is the third longest river in the world.
长江和黄河是中国两大河流。The Yangtze River and the Yellow River are the two major rivers in China.
搭配:尝尝to have a taste;尝一尝to try the flavor of sth
例句:你来尝一下,这菜是不是有些太甜了?Try this dish and tell me whether it is too sweet or not.
尝尝这瓜怎么样?Come here and try this melon.
搭配:会场meeting place;飞机场airport;一场电影a movie
例句:他在机场已经等了两个多小时了。He has been waiting for two hours at the airport.
我想请你去看晚上八点的那场电影。I want to invite you to watch the movie at8:00pm.
搭配:超过标准to exceed the standard;超过时间overtime
例句:这个温度已经超过了历史最高水平。The temperature ranked the highest in history.
这儿的字数不能超过三十个。No more than thirty words are allowed here.
搭配:非常成功be very successful;成功的画家a successful painter
例句:经过这么多年的努力,他终于成为一位成功的作家。After so many years of efforts, he finally becomes a successful writer.
我相信,如果我坚持下去,就一定会成功。I believe that I will gain success with my persistence.
搭配:成为朋友to become friends;成为老师to become a teacher;成为经理to become a manager
例句:他希望自己可以成为这个学校的学生。He hopes to become a student of this school.
经过那件事以后,我们就成为了好朋友。After that,we became good friends.
搭配:诚实的人an honest person;非常诚实be very honest
例句:这是一个非常诚实的孩子。This is a very honest child.
他非常诚实地把事情的经过告诉了我。He told me the whole thing honestly.
搭配:乘坐飞机to take a plane;乘坐火车to take a train
例句:这个车太小了,最多只能乘坐四个人。This vehicle is too small to take more than four people.
公司安排小王乘坐汽车去北京。The company arranged Xiao Wang to travel to Beijing by car.
A差不多 B尝 C长城 D场 E超过 F餐厅
1.到了北京,怎么可能不去爬( )?
2.你们先去( )点菜,我一会儿就到。
3.这西瓜甜不甜,您得自己( )一下才知道。
4.你放心吧,他不可能( )我们的。
B:我和李红一起吃饭,然后又去看了( )电影。
6.A:时间( )了,我们现在去机场吧。
A成功 B厕所 C成为 D诚实 E乘坐 F长江
7.为了能( )你的男朋友,我一直在努力。
8.老师教育我们要做一个( )的人,不能骗人。
9.李强要( )明天晚上九点的火车去上海。
10.王玲的家住在( )边上。
11.A:李丽,谢谢你,没有你的帮助我不可能( )。
B:找不到( )!
1.已经 他的 超过了 身高 两米_____________________________________________
2.小王 工作 到北京 差不多 有半年了________________________________________
3.要 去海南吗 我们 乘坐 飞机______________________________________________
4.这家餐厅的 非常 经理 诚实________________________________________________
5.我觉得 这场 很没意思 比赛________________________________________________
