06 Don’t Let Scenery Always Be Far from You 别让风景总在前方
Once upon a time, a teacher and his student lay down under a big tree near a big grass area. Then suddenly the student asked the teacher.
"Teacher, I'm confused, how do we find our soulmate?Can you please help me?"
Silent for a few seconds, the teacher then answered,"Well, it's a pretty hard and an easy question."
The teacher continued,"Look that way, there is a lot of grass;why don't you walk there?Please don't walk backwards, just walk straight ahead. On your way, try to find a blade of beautiful grass and pick it up and then give it to me.But just one."
The student said"Well, OK then…wait for me…",and walked straight ahead to the grassy field.
A few minutes later the student came back.
The teacher asked,"Well, I don't see a beautiful blade of grass in your hand."
The student said,"On my journey, I found quite a few beautiful blade of grass, but I thought that I would finda better one, so I didn't pick it. But I didn't realize that I was at the end of the field, and I hadn't picked any because you told me not to go back, so I didn't go back."
The teacher said,"That's what will happen in real life."
What is the message of this story?
In the story, grass is the people around you;the beautiful blade of grass is the people that attract you and the grassy field is time.
In looking for your soul mate, please don't always compare and hope that there will be a better one. By doing that, you'll waste your lifetime, cause remember"Time Never Goes Back".
单词解析 Word Analysis
语法知识点 Grammar Points
①On your way, try to find a blade of beautiful grass and pick it up and then give it to me.
②By doing that, you’ll waste your lifetime……
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