Lesson Three
Key phrases & Expressions 关键短语和表达方式:
apart from(=except for)除……以外,此外
appeal to 有吸引力,恳求,呼吁,提出申诉
apply for 提出申请,要求
as a matter of fact 事实上,其实
So,what damage is there?Has our brand name been affected yet?
——We seem to have got away with it,apart from a few complaints that is.
So,apart from giving the report to Mr Paterson,that's it for the day?
——Not quite.You need to remember to call Mr Dean in the afternoon.And Happer International is waiting for your email.
Have you got anything from second-hand shops?
——Not really.Actually,I've never been in any second-hand shops.In China,apart form cars and houses,I can't think of anything that people will buy that's second-hand.In our culture,only if you're too poor to afford new stuff,you may buy used things.
I don't know why people are just mad about David Beckham.Is there really anything so fascinating with him?
——He appeals to the fans thanks to two things:his bending kicks and his good looks.
Let's consider the slogans what do they try to appeal to women first?
——Oh,beauty,I suppose,that will attract dozens of their boy friends.And for older people,something away from lines and wrinkles and all that.But how about men?They buy soap,too.
Personally,I think you'll be better off if you were just healthy on a regular basis.Diets appeal to people because they seem like quick fixes,but in reality things like weight and health can't be changed in a single week.
——Whatever,I've had a lot of friends who have gone on diets and seen real results!As long as you're committed to sticking it out,it can work!
I'd like to apply for the position you advertised on the website.
——Yes,but a good knowledge of French and Spanish is a must.Have you learned French and Spanish at school?
I want to buy a car the end of this year.I'm fond of an Audi Q5,but it's over 30,000 dollar,too expensive.
——Why not apply for a loan or by monthly installments?You can discuss with your bank manager.
You are still living that way with a lot of deficits on your budget.
——I have no other choices I have to spend a lot of money.Besides,there is a good part of using credit cards,which is to increase your credit.Credits are useful when you apply for loans in the future.
Yeah,as a matter of fact,I've been going to the gym for a year now.
——I can tell.You look really buff.And no more beer belly.Have you been lifting weights?
What are your plans today,Mark?Jane and I are going shopping.Do you want to come with us?
——Well,as a matter of fact,I'm meeting Steven,he's writing an essay and he's asked me to take some photos for his essay.
You're really something.You actually read poems.Can you really understand them?
——No bad.As a matter of fact,there're many differences between the modern poems and ancient ones.Sometimes I have a bit difficulty in understanding them,but you will still feel so beautiful about these words when you exactly understand them.
Notes to the text 课文注释:
brand name名牌;to get away with没受到惩罚,应付过去;complaint(to complain)投诉;That's it for the day?这一天的事就算是做完了?;Not quite还没呢;Happer International哈柏国际贸易公司;i've never been in any second-hand shops我从未去过任何一家旧货店;in our culture,only if you're too poor to afford new stuff,you may buy used things我们中国的文化是,只有你穷得买不起新货,你才会去买旧货;to be mad about对……发疯;Beckham贝克汉姆;fascinating迷人的,有吸引力的;thanks to归功于,多亏于;bending kicks香蕉球;slogan口号,标语;beauty美容,美人;something away from lines and wrinkles去掉皱纹;wrinkle皱纹;soap肥皂;personally就个人而言,亲自;to be better off比较宽裕;healthy健康的;on a regular basis一般的基准方式;quick fixes快速瘦身;in reality事实上,实际上;whatever无论什么,不管什么样;to go on diets厉行节食;to be committed to sticking it out坚定地坚持下去;to be committed承诺;to stick out坚持;advertised on the website在网络上打了广告;to advertise做广告;a good knowledge of French and Spanish is a must掌握法语和西班牙语是必须的;knowledge知识,技能;to be a must是必须的;loan贷款;monthly installments按月分期付款;deficits on your budget预算赤字,债台髙筑;to increase your credit增加你的信用度;gym体育馆;buff健壮,肌肉发达;Beer belly啤酒肚;to lift weight举重;you're really something你可真是了不起;modern poem现代诗歌;ancient古代的
Practice 练习
Oral Translation 口头汉译英:
节食减肥(diets)对大多数肥胖的人来说很有吸引力,因为他们想要快速瘦身。其实,像减肥和健康这样的事情不是一朝可变的。市面上有许多减肥药(diet drugs)卖,但是减肥药并不能创造奇迹(to work wonders)。此外,很多减肥药都是有副作用(side effects)的,这些副作用会对你的健康有害。每种药物都有好的一面和坏的一面,但是人通常发现它好的一面,而忽视了它坏的一面。减肥的最好方法是制订一套健康的饮食(healthy diet),每天进行锻炼。也许某一天就会创造奇迹。
奥迪Q5非常漂亮,它的功能也相当完美。不过,汽车的价格超过三十万,有点贵。我的朋友劝我向银行申请一笔贷款,或者按月分期支付(monthly installments)。但是,如果申请贷款,我也要先支付十万的首付(down payment),余下的(remaining)二十万可能通过按月分期来支付。从今天起我要从日常开支中(daily expenses)省出一部分钱,我还可以向亲戚朋友们借钱。也许,明年年初我就可以开着我的Q5去上班了。
Paragraphs Recitation 背诵英语口语短文:
You can open the account(开户)at the nearest bank when you arrive.You can also apply for a debit card(借记卡),but it will take about a week for your debit card to arrive.The card and PIN(个人密码)will arrive separately.Once you have both,you can use your card in any cash machine(提款机),you can change your PIN if you like...Just follow the instructions(指引)on the machine.If you want to withdraw or deposit any money in the mean time,you can do it in person(亲自)with your passport at any bank,but it's best to do it in the same bank,because other banks might charge a commission(手续费).If you deposit cash,it'll clear(清账)straight away,but checks and transfers(转账)will take up to four days.
I definitely agree as I think it would be ideal(很理想的)if all or at least most art galleries(艺术馆)had free admission(入场券).And there have recently been a lot of very popular exhibitions(展览馆)in my city which are displayed(展示)in public areas,such as parks or squares,or public buildings like railway stations.This really appeals to me that as people go about their daily lives,they meet and can enjoy or think about art,so it's integrated in(成为一体)their life rather than being something separate that they go and do on weekends or something.Art should be available for everyone to see and take pleasure from(享受乐趣).