Part 1 五星单词
List 1
comprehension [ˌkɔmpri'henʃən]
n. 理解(力);领悟;理解力测验
【例】above/beyond/past comprehension 不可理解,难以理解:Paul's behaviour was completely beyond comprehension. 保罗的行为真是不可理喻。
given ['givən]
prep. 考虑到
a. 规定的,特定的;假设的,已知的;有癖好的,有倾向的
【例】Given the bad weather, we decided to give up our primary plan. 考虑到这糟糕的天气,我们决定放弃原定计划。
process ['prəuses;'prɔses][prə'ses]
n. 过程,进程;工序,制作法;(法律)程序,(诉讼)手续
vt. 加工,处理
【例】W: Rod must be in a bad mood today. What's wrong with him?
M: He was passed over in the selection process for the dean of the Admission's Office. (2009.12)
statement ['steitmənt]
n. 陈述,声明;结算单,报表
【例】The governor has acknowledged that there have been errors in his financial statements. 地方长官承认他的财政报告中有错误。
vary ['veəri]
vi. 变化;有不同,呈差异
vt. 改变,使不同
【例】The samples varied in quality but were generally acceptable. 这些样本在质量上存在差异,但一般都可以接受。
【派】variable (a. 易变的n. 变量);various (a. 各种各样的)
concern [kən'səːn]
n. 关切的事,有关的事;关心,担心;关系,关联;公司,企业
vt. 涉及,关于;使关心,使担心
【例】be concerned about/with/to 对…关心,关切,挂念:Children were concerned about the kitty. 孩子们很关心那只小猫。
show concern for 表示关切:As a teacher, Lily shows her concern for the student. 作为一名教师,莉莉对这名学生表示关切。
Your next step should be to discuss your concerns with your teacher or the principal. (2010.6)你接下来应该跟老师或校长谈一下你担心的事。
【考】concern oneself with sth. 使自己关心…; as/so far as... be concerned 就…而言
【派】unconcerned (a. 不关心的);concerned (a. 关心的,有关的;焦虑的,担心的)
economic [ˌiːkə'nɔmik]
a. 经济的,经济上的;经济学的
n. [-s] 经济学;经济状况;经济意义
【例】There's no question that going to college is a smart economic choice. (2009.6)毫无疑问,上大学在经济上是一个明智的选择。
expense [ik'spens]
n. 价钱,花费;[pl.] 开支,费用
【例】at the expense of 以…为代价:Moreover, even in the cases where the employee is a teacher first and athletic coach second, the additional responsibilities that come with coaching likely come at the expense of time otherwise spent on planning, grading, and communicating with parents and guardians.(2014.12)此外,即便是在雇员首先是教师,其次是体育教练的身份认定情况下,教练所承载的附加责任也可能是以牺牲花在备课、评分以及与家长和监护人沟通上的时间为代价的。
【考】cut down/reduce expense 减少开支
compose [kəm'pəuz]
vt. 组成,构成;创作(乐曲、诗歌等),为…谱曲;使平静,使镇静
【例】be composed of sth. 由…组成:The committee was composed of ten members. 委员会由10名成员构成。
【考】compose oneself to do sth. 静下心来做某事
【派】composition (n. 作品);composer (n. 创作者,著作者,作家)
successive [sək'sesiv]
a. 连续的,接连的
【例】for successive years 连年
【用】successive一般只用来修饰名词作定语;注意区分形近词successful (a. 成功的)。
available [ə'veiləbl]
a. 可利用的,现成可使用的;可买到的,可得到的;可交谈的,可会见的;通用的
【例】Yet the growth of cities and industry is reducing the amount of water available for agricultrue in many regions. (2008.12)然而,在许多地区,城市和工业的发展正在减少农业的可用水量。
compute [kəm'pjuːt]
v. 计算,估算
【例】The cashier computed the bill with a calculator. 出纳员用计算器结算账单。
【派】computerize (vt. 使电子计算机化)
contribute [kən'tribjuːt]
vi. 捐献,作出贡献;有助于,促成;投稿
vt. 捐,捐献
【例】I'm really glad our club decided to raise money for the children's hospital. And most of the people we phoned seemed happy to contribute. (2009.6)我真的很高兴我们的俱乐部决定为儿童医院筹款,而且和我们通话的大部分人似乎很乐意捐助。

individual [ˌindi'vidjuəl]
a. 个别的,单独的;个人的;独特的
n. 个人,个体
【例】The Senate Finance bill would impose an excise tax on health insurance plans that cost more than $8,000 for an individual or $21,000 for a family.(2016.6)参议院金融法案将对健康保险计划设置消费税,个人将支付8000多美元,家庭将支付2.1万美元的税款。// the rights of the individual 个人权利
【派】individuality (n. 个性);individualize (v. 赋予个性);individualistic (a. 个人主义的)

management ['mænidʒmənt]
n. 管理,经营,处理;管理部门,管理人员
【例】Human Resource Management 人力资源管理//Some middle management jobs in this company have been cut. 这家公司的一些中层管理工作被削减了。
outline ['autlain]
vt. 概述,概括;描…外形,描…轮廓
n. 提纲,要点,概要;外形,轮廓;略图
【例】The new leader outlined plans to deal with crime and education. 新任领导概述了解决犯罪和教育问题的计划。

paragraph ['pærəgrɑːf;'pærəgræf]
n. (文章的)段,节
apply [ə'plai]
vi. 申请,请求;适用
vt. 使用,实施;涂,敷,施
【例】apply to sb. /sth. 适用于:These findings do not only apply to Obama, or even just to race.(2010.6)这些结果不仅仅适用于奥巴马,甚至不仅仅适用于种族。
apply for sth. 申请…:They have waited a month to apply for a student loan.(2008.6)他们申请学生贷款已经等了一个月。
【派】applicability (n. 适用性);applicant (n. 申请人)
promote [prə'məut]
vt. 促进,增进;提升,提拔;宣传,推销(商品等)
【例】The meeting will promote trade between China and America. 这次会议将促进中美贸易发展。
【派】promoter (n. 发起人,创办人);promotion (n. 提升;推销,宣传)
avail [ə'veil]
n. [一般用于否定句或疑问句中] 效用,利益,帮助
【例】of no avail 无效:Your attempts to improve the situation were of no avail. 你试图改变情况的尝试是徒然的。
【考】to no avail / without avail 无效,无用
【派】available (a. 可得到的;可利用的)
limitation [ˌlimi'teiʃən]
n. 限制,限度;[常pl.] 局限
【例】a limitation on imports 对进口的限制

maintain [mein'tein]
vt. 维持,保持;维修,保养;坚持,主张;赡养,负担
【例】Many environmentalists maintain the view that conservation has much to do with self-denial. (2007.12) 许多环境保护主义者认为保护环境与自我克制有很大的关系。
【辨】maintain, remain, retain, sustain
maintain意为“维持”,指将某物维持下去或保持良好状态,如How can we maintain control of spending? remain意为“保持;逗留”,强调动作的持续性,即保持现有的状态不变化;retain多指继续保留某物;sustain作“维持,持续”讲时,多指维持生命或事物的存在,使声音、兴趣、关系等持续下去,如The teacher found it difficult to sustain the children's interest.

performance [pə'fɔːməns]
n. 演出,表演;工作情况,表现;(机器等的)工作性能;履行,执行
【例】Many people criticized the recent poor performance of the team. 许多人批评这支队伍最近表现差劲。
activity [æk'tivəti]
n. 活动,行动;活跃,活力;能量
【例】academic activities 学术活动
【派】activist (n. 积极分子,活动家)
avoid [ə'vɔid]
vt. 预防,避开,避免;撤销
【例】avoid doing sth. 避免做某事:Sue tried to avoid going shopping at weekend. 苏尽量避免周末去购物。
In cases where sewage mud is used, expensive chemical fertilizer use can be avoided.(2016.6)在使用污水污泥的情况下,(人们)可以避免使用高价的化肥。
【派】avoidable (a. 可避免的);avoidance (n. 回避,躲避)
benefit ['benifit]
n. 利益,恩惠;保险金,津贴,救济金;益处,好处
vt. 有益于
vi. 得益
【例】benefit from 从…受益:The famous enterpriser didn't get much benefit from school. 这位著名的企业家并没有从学校教育中获益很多。
to the benefit of 为了…的利益:I hope that the decision taken today will be to the benefit of the company. 我希望今天所做的决定能够给公司带来利益。
【考】be of benefit to 对…有好处;retirement benefit 退休金
define [di'fain]
vt. 给…下定义,解释;限定,规定
【例】Ask most people how they define the American Dream and chances are, they'll say, “Success.” (2006.12)问大多数人他们如何定义美国梦,他们很可能会说“成功”。// As Yale law professor Anne Alstott argues, justifying parental support depends on defining the family as a social good that, in some sense, society must pay for. (2010.6)正如耶鲁大学法律教授安妮·阿尔斯托特所主张的,要想把对父母的支持合法化,取决于把家庭定义为一种社会善行,从某种意义上来说,社会必须为此买单。
imply [im'plai]
vt. 暗示,含有…的意思
【例】The look of guilt on John's face implied that he committed the crime. 约翰脸上内疚的表情暗示他犯了罪。
attitude ['ætitjuːd;'ætituːd]
n. 态度,看法;姿态,姿势
【例】attitude toward(s)对…的看法、态度:Gertie has a very bad attitude towards work. 格蒂对待工作的态度十分糟糕。
aware [ə'weə]
a. 知道的,意识到的
【例】John was not aware of his illness until diagnosed with it. (2006.12)在得出诊断之前,约翰并没有意识到自己的病情。
generate ['dʒenəreit]
vt. 引起,导致;生成,产生(光、热、电等)
【例】The accident generated a lot of public interest in traffic. 这次事故引起了公众对交通的广泛关注。
【派】generation (n. 产生;一代);generator (n. 发电机)
legal ['liːgəl]
a. 法律(上)的;合法的,法定的
【例】As nurses, we are licensed to provide nursing care only, we do not have any legal or moral obligation to any physician.(2007.6)作为护士,我们只是获得了提供看护服务的执照,我们对任何医师都没有法律或道德的义务。
predict [pri'dikt]
vt. 预言,预测;预告
【例】Don't blame yourself. Nobody could have predicted the outcome. 别自责了,没有人能预知这个结果。
【派】predictable (a. 可预言的,可预报的);prediction (n. 预言,预报);unpredictable (a. 不可预测的);predictive (a. 预言性的,成为前兆的)
provided [prə'vaidid]
conj. 假如,若是
【例】provided that 如果:Mike can come with us, provided that he behaves himself. 迈克可以和我们一起去,只要他放规矩些。
sample ['sɑːmpl;'sæmpl]
n. 样品,样本
vt. 品尝,体验;从…抽样(试验或调查)
【例】sample questions 样题//sample survey 抽样调查//analyse the sample 分析样品
【派】sampling (n. 取样)
aspect ['æspekt]
n. 方面;外貌,外观,样子,外表;(建筑物的)朝向,方向
【例】Rose was sitting there with a very thoughtful aspect. 罗斯坐在那里,一脸沉思状。
from every aspect从各个方面:Have you thought about the problem from every aspect?你从各个方面考虑过这个问题吗?
behavio(u)r [bi'heivjə]
n. 行为,举止;(机器等的)运转情况;(事物的)反应
【派】behavioral (a. 动作的)
claim [kleim]
vt. 声称,断言;对…提出要求,索取;(灾难等)使失踪或死亡;需要;值得
n. 要求,索赔;声称,断言
【例】lay claim to 声称对…有权利:The poor girl laid claim to the property. 那个贫穷的女孩声称对这份财产享有权利。
You can claim compensation after the accident. 事故后你可以要求赔偿。
【考】claim for 要求
alternative [ɔːl'təːnətiv]
n. 替换物,选择,供选择的东西;选择的自由,选择的余地
a. 两者选一的,供选择的;另类的;选择性的
【例】Online schools, which cater to the needs of different people, have emerged as an increasingly popular education alternative. (2006.12)网络学院迎合了不同人的需要,已经成为越来越受欢迎的教育选择之一。
approach [ə'prəutʃ]
v. 靠近,接近;着手处理
n. 靠近,接近;方式,方法;途径
【例】approach to 接近:The number of new workers this year approaches to three thousand. 今年新工人的人数接近三千人。
approach a problem/matter 解决问题,处理问题:The manager tends to approach the problem in a different way. 经理打算用不同的方法来解决这个问题。
【考】approach sb. about sth. 接洽…,交涉…; at the approach of 接近
【派】approachable (a. 可接近的;友好的);approaching (a. 接近的,逼近的)
【辨】approach, means, method, way
approach意为“方法,途径”,是可数名词,主要指针对某一问题的处理方式、方法,常和介词to连用,意思是“做…的方法”,后面跟名词或动名词;means意为“方法,手段”,是可数名词,单复数同形,强调为达到某种目的而采用的方法,常用短语是by means of; method意为“方法”,也是可数名词,强调系统的、科学的、有条理的方法,如traditional teaching methods; way是可数名词,指用来解决问题的具体方法或技巧,常和介词in搭配。

appropriate [ə'prəupriət][ə'prəuprieit]
a. 适当的,恰当的
vt. 私占,侵吞,挪用;拨出(款项等)供专用
【例】A 60-day notice before eviction may not be early enough for renters because appropriate housing may not be readily available. (2006.12)提前60天发布令租户迁出的公告对租户来说也许还是不够早,因为合适的房源也许并不容易找到。// Countries with appropriate primary care resources score highly when it comes to health outcomes and cost. (2009.12)当涉及医疗成效和成本时,那些拥有适当的初级护理资源的国家获得了很高的评分。
involve [in'vɔlv]
vt. 使卷入,牵涉;使参与;包含,含有
【例】be/get/become involved in/with 涉及,使…参与:Bessie's been involved with animal rights for many years. 贝西参与维护动物权利的活动已经很多年了。
【考】involve doing sth. 包括做某事
【派】involvement (n. 牵连)
professional [prə'feʃənəl]
a. 职业的,专业的
n. 专业人员,自由职业者
【例】You need a professional to deal with the problem. 你需要一位专业人士帮你解决问题。
【考】professional knowledge 专业知识
worthy ['wəːði]
a. 值得的,配得上的;有价值的;可尊敬的
【例】be worthy of 值得,配得上:Two points in this report are especially worthy of notice. 报告中有两点值得我们特别注意。
【考】be worthy to do 值得做
【派】praiseworthy (a. 值得称赞的);unworthy (a. 不值得的)
conduct [kən'dʌkt]['kɔndʌkt]
vt. 管理,操控,进行;指挥,引导;输送,传导(热、电等);(行为)表现
n. 举止,行为;管理(方式),实施(方式)
【例】Let's look at the survey on consumer confidence we conducted last week. (2009.12)让我们来看看上周做的消费者信心调查吧。
constant ['kɔnstənt]
a. 始终如一的,持久不变的;连续发生的;忠诚的
n. 常数,恒量
【例】We humans, like all warm-blooded animals, can keep our core body temperatrues pretty much constant regardless of what's going on in the world around us. (2008.12)像所有的温血动物一样,不管周围世界发生什么,我们人类都能够保持核心体温的基本恒定。
creation [kriː'eiʃən]
n. 创造,创建;创造的作品,(智力、想象力的)产物;宇宙,天地万物
【例】Music aids in the creation of a restful atmosphere. 音乐有助于营造宁静的氛围。
【派】creativity 〔n. 创造(力)〕
factor ['fæktə]
n. 因素,要素
【例】One main factor that has driven up medical expenses is that doctors are compensated for the amount of care rather than its effect.(2016.6)推动医疗花费升高的一个主要因素在于医生按照治疗的数量而不是治疗的效果来获得报酬。
financial [fai'nænʃəl]
a. 财政的,金融的
【派】nonfinancial (a. 非金融的)
function ['fʌŋkʃən]
n. 功能,作用,职能;重大聚会(或宴会);函数,随他物变化而变化的事物
vi. 工作,运行;起作用
【例】function key 功能键
function as... 起…的作用:We have a spare bedroom which also functions as a study. 我们的那间空卧室也作为书房使用。
【派】functional (a. 功能的)
literatrue ['litərətʃə]
n. 文学,文学作品;专著;宣传品;文献,图书资料
【例】the Nobel Prize in Literatrue 诺贝尔文学奖//scientific literatrue 科学文献
potential [pə'tenʃəl]
a. 潜在的,可能的
n. 潜力,潜能
【例】Lena really has a lot of potential as a teacher. 莉娜的确很有当老师的潜力。
【派】potentiality (n. 潜力;可能性)
project ['prɔdʒekt][prə'dʒekt]
n. 方案,计划;课题,项目;工程
vt. 投射,放映;使…呈现,表现;使伸出;预测
vi. 伸出,突出
【例】a research project 研究方案
Economists project that most employers would shift money from expensive health benefits into wages.(2016.6)经济学家预测多数雇主将把花在昂贵的医疗福利上的钱变成工资。
【派】projecting (a. 突出的,伸出的);projector (n. 放映机);projection (n. 突出)
significant [sig'nifikənt]
a. 相当数量的;重要的,意义重大的;意味深长的
【例】In the same way, a significant reduction of wasteful agricultural subsidies could also lower the deficit.(2012.6)同样,农业补贴浪费的显著减少也可以降低赤字。
【派】insignificant (a. 不重要的);significance (n. 意义;重要性)
survive [sə'vaiv]
v. 活下来,幸存,继续存在;从(困境等)中挺过来;比…活得长
【例】These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions.这些植物不能在非常寒冷的环境中存活。// Laura seems to have survived the divorce pretty well. 劳拉离婚后日子过得似乎还不错。
【用】在表示“从某事件中幸存”的时候要直接用survive sth.。
【派】survivor (n. 幸存者,生还者);survival (n. 幸存,幸免)
temper ['tempə]
n. 脾气,心情,情绪;韧度
vt. 调和;使回火
【例】lose one's temper 发脾气:Rose is prone to lose her temper when people disagree with her. 露丝容易在别人和她意见不同时发脾气。
I learnt to temper my criticism. 我学着缓和我批评的语气。
【考】control one's temper 克制着不发脾气;be out of temper发脾气,生气
【派】short-tempered (a. 脾气坏的,易怒的)
academic [ˌækə'demik]
a. 学术的;学校的,学院的;纯理论的,不切实际的
n. 大学教师
【例】Have you checked the academic calendar?(2008.6)你核对过校历吗?
consumer [kən'sjuːmə]
n. 消费者,用户;消耗者
【派】consumerism (n. 消费主义)
engine ['endʒin]
n. 发动机,引擎;机车,火车头
【例】Google's search engine is so widespread across the world that search became Google, and google became a verb. (2007.6)Google搜索引擎遍布全世界,这使得Google成为搜索的代名词,而“google”也成为一个动词。
essential [i'senʃəl]
a. 必不可少的,绝对必要的;本质的,基本的
n. [常pl.] 要素,要点;必需品
【例】be essential to/for sth. 对…是必不可少的:Good food and enough exercise are essential for your health. 良好的食物和充分的锻炼对于你的健康来说是必不可少的。// What parents do, in other words, is of deep concern to the state, for the obvious reason that caring for children is not only morally urgent but essential for the futrue of society. (2010.6)换句话说,父母所做的对整个国家关系重大,其原因显而易见,抚养孩子不仅是道德上的迫切需求,而且对于社会的未来而言也是必不可少的。
It's essential that... …是必须的,…是必不可少的:In a crisis situation, it is essential that we remain calm. 在危急时刻,我们要保持冷静,这非常必要。
lack basic living essentials 缺乏基本生活必需品
【派】inessential (a. 无关紧要的)
inventory ['invəntəri;'invəntɔːri]
n. 详细目录,存货清单
【例】an inventory of merchandise 商品库存清单
persist [pə'sist]
vi. 坚持,持续
vt. 坚持不懈,执意
【例】Intriguingly, the effect persists for two or three generations. (2008.12)有趣的是,这种影响会持续两三代人。
reflect [ri'flekt]
v. 反映,显示;反射,映现;深思,反省
【例】Elena could see herself reflected in her lover's eyes. 埃琳娜能在爱人的眼中看到自己的身影。// Before you make your decision, you have five minutes to reflect. 作决定前,你有5分钟思考时间。// The 94 I received this term does not reflect the hard work that I put into this course. (2010.6)这学期我得的94分并不能反映出我在这门课上付出的努力。
【派】reflection (n. 反映;考虑);reflective (a. 反射的);reflector (n. 反射体)
threaten ['θretən]
vt. 威胁,恐吓;预示(危险)快要来临,是…的征兆
vi. 构成威胁;可能发生
【例】threaten sb. with sth. 用某物威胁某人:The gangster threatened the shopkeeper with a gun. 歹徒用手枪威胁店主。
【考】threaten to do sth. 威胁去做某事
various ['veəriəs]
a. 各种各样的,不同的;多方面的
【考】various kinds of... 各种各样的…
complain [kəm'plein]
vi. 抱怨,诉苦;投诉,控告
【例】A man talking on his cell phone waved me away, then beckoned me back with his finger a minute later, complaining he was ready to order and asking where I'd been. (2007.12)一个打手机的男子挥手让我走开,一分钟后又打手势示意我回来,抱怨说他要点餐,还问我去了哪里。
concept ['kɔnsept]
n. 概念,观念,思想
【例】the new concept of space 空间新概念
【派】conceptual (a. 概念上的)
conflict ['kɔnflikt][kən'flikt]
n. 冲突,抵触,争论;战斗,战争
vi. 冲突,抵触
【例】sharp conflict 尖锐的冲突//racial conflict 种族冲突
conflict with 和…冲突:The results of the new research would seem to conflict with existing theories. 新的调查结果似乎与现有的理论冲突。
【辨】collision, conflict, contradiction
critical ['kritikəl]
a. 决定性的,关键性的;批评的,批判的
【例】be critical of 非难,批评:The report is highly critical of safety standards at the factory. 这篇报道严厉批评了这家工厂的安全标准。
be critical to sb./sth. 对…是关键(性)的:These talks are critical to the futrue of the peace process. 这些会谈对于和平进程至关重要。
【考】at a critical moment 危急关头
【派】uncritical (a. 不加批判的);critically (ad. 危急地;批判性地)
decade ['dekeid]
n. 十年,十年期
【例】in the past decade 在过去十年中

effective [i'fektiv]
a. 有效的,生效的;给人印象深刻的;实际的,事实上的
【例】To be effective, environmental messages should be carefully framed.(2015.12)为了提高效率,应该精心设计环境信息。
effective from 从…开始生效:The cut in interest rates is effective from July 1st. 减息将从7月1号起生效。
【派】ineffective (a. 无效的);effectiveness (n. 效力)
executive [ig'zekjutiv]
a. 执行的;行政的
n. 高级行政人员,行政官;(政府的)行政部门
【例】Chief Executive Officer (CEO)首席执行官
impact ['impækt]
n. / v. 影响,作用;冲击,碰撞
【例】The good news is that the world is full of proven, cheap ways to save energy. Here are the seven that could have the biggest impact. (2007.12)一条好消息是世界上充满了已证实的很廉价的节能方式。以下的七种是最有效的。//Barack Obama really is a positive role model for African Americans, and he was making an impact even before he got to the White House. (2010.6)对于非洲裔美国人来说,巴拉克·奥巴马的确是一个榜样,甚至在他入主白宫之前就产生了一定的影响。
industrial [in'dʌstriəl]
a. 工业的,产业的
【例】industrial revolution 工业革命//industrial economy 产业经济
【派】industrialize 〔v. (使)工业化〕;industrialist (n. 实业家)
inspire [in'spaiə]
vt. 鼓舞,激起;给…以灵感
【例】I hope this success will inspire you to greater efforts. 我希望这次成功能够鼓舞你更加努力。
【考】inspire sb. with sth. / inspire sth. in sb. 激起某人的…,使某人产生…
【派】inspirational (a. 鼓舞人心的);inspiration (n. 灵感)
investigate [in'vestigeit]
v. 调查,研究
【例】We are of course investigating how an error like this could have occurred. 我们当然要调查这样的错误是怎样产生的。
【派】investigative (a. 研究的);investigation (n. 调查)
occurrence [ə'kʌrəns; ə'kəːrəns]
n. 事变,事件;发生,出现
【例】a frequent occurrence 经常发生的事情
recognize ['rekəgnaiz]
vt. 认出,识别;承认,认可;赏识,表彰
【例】We must recognize the seriousness of the problem. 我们必须认识到问题的严重性。
【考】recognize... as / to be... 认定…是…,承认…是…
【派】recognizable (a. 可辨认的);recognized (a. 公认的)
【辨】recognize, realize
recognize意为“认出”,主要指从记忆的搜索中认识到,辨认出人、物、声音、方位等,如I didn't recognize you in your uniform.; realize意为“认识到”,强调潜意识注意到、了解本质、明白事理,是及物动词。
regulation [ˌregju'leiʃən]
n. 规章,规则;管理,控制
【例】There were no job descriptions, rigid reporting systems, or detailed rules and regulations. (2008.12)没有职位描述、严格的报告制度和详细的规章制度。
responsible [ri'spɔnsəbl]
a. 需负责任的,承担责任的;有责任感的,负责可靠的;责任重大的,重要的
【例】responsible for sth. 对…负责;是造成…的原因:You'd also be responsible for getting our leaflets, brochures and catalogs designed. (2014.12) 你还要负责我们的传单、小册子以及产品目录的设计。
【派】responsibility (n. 责任,职责)
vision ['viʒən]
n. 想象(力),幻想,幻觉;视力,视觉;洞察力,眼光
【例】This week some top scientists, including Nobel Prize winners, gave their vision of how the world will look in 2056. (2008.6)本周一些顶尖科学家,包括诺贝尔奖得主,介绍了他们对2056年世界的展望。
A man needs a purpose for real health.