List 8
kid [kid]
n. 小孩,年轻人
v. 戏弄,(与…)开玩笑
【例】I'm just kidding you!我和你开玩笑呢!
legislation [ˌledʒis'leiʃən]
n. 法律,法规;立法,法律的制定(或通过)
【例】legislation on prices 价格法//the power of legislation 立法权
【考】by legislation 通过法律
【派】legislative (a. 立法的;立法机关的 n. 立法机关);legislatrue (n. 立法机关,立法团体)
leisure ['leʒə;'liːʒə]
n. 空闲时间,闲暇;悠闲,安逸
【例】leisure time 空闲时间//leisure wear休闲服
【考】at leisure闲暇时;从容不迫地
【派】leisureliness (n. 悠然,从容)
loyalty ['lɔiəlti]
n. 忠诚,忠心
【例】fierce loyalty 满腔忠诚
manipulate [mə'nipjuleit]
vt. 操纵,控制;影响;(熟练地)操作,使用
【例】“As I see it,”I explained, “not only are most TV programs badly written and produced, but viewers are also manipulated by the mass media.”(2011.12) “在我看来,”我解释道,“不仅大部分电视节目编写和制作粗糙,而且看电视的人也被大众媒体操纵了。”
【考】manipulate public opinion 操纵公众舆论;manipulate sb. into doing sth. 操纵某人做某事
【派】manipulation (n. 操纵)
manufactrue [ˌmænju'fæktʃə]
vt. (大量)制造,加工
n. (大量)制造;制造业;[pl.] 制造品,产品
【例】Brendan works for a company that manufactrues car parts. 布伦丹为一家制造汽车零件的公司工作。
matrue [mə'tjuə]
a. 熟的,成熟的;成年人的;深思熟虑的,慎重的;(票据等)到期的,应支付的
v. (使)成熟,(使)长成
【例】matrue into 成长为…:Edgar has matrued into a fine novelist. 埃德加已经成长为一位杰出的小说家。
【用】注意和形近词natrue (n. 自然)区别。
【派】maturity (n. 成熟,完备)
military ['militəri]
a. 军事的,军用的
n. [the ~] 军队,武装力量
【考】be in the military 参军
minimum ['miniməm]
a. 最低的,最小的
n. 最低限度,最小量
【派】minimal (a. 最小的;最低限度的);minimize 〔v. (使)减少到最低限度〕
misery ['mizəri]
n. 痛苦,苦难;悲惨的境遇;贫苦
【例】The vast majority of the population of this area still lives in utter misery. 这一地区大部分人的生活依然十分困苦。
morality [mə'ræləti]
n. 道德,(行为等的)道德性;道德观,道德规范;德行,品行
【例】commercial morality 商业道德//standards in morality and justice in society 道德标准和社会正义
【用】注意区分形近词mortality (n. 死亡率)。
neutral ['njuːtrəl]
a. 中立的,不偏不倚的;中性的
【例】a neutral view 中立的观点//remain neutral 保持中立
【派】neutrality (n. 中性);neutralize (vt. 中和)
obstacle ['ɔbstəkl]
n. 障碍(物),妨害
【例】overcome obstacles 克服障碍:To succeed, you must learn to overcome obstacles. 要成功,你必须学会克服障碍。
【考】be an obstacle to sth. 是某物的障碍
occupation [ˌɔkju'peiʃən]
n. 工作,职业;(人)从事的活动,消遣;占领,占据
【例】In the space marked “occupation”Viola wrote “police officer”. 在职业那栏里薇奥拉填写的是“警察”。

offensive [ə'fensiv]
a. 冒犯的,无礼的;进攻的,攻击性的;令人作呕的
n. 进攻,攻势
【例】be offensive to 对…冒犯的:The film has been criticized for being offensive to women. 人们批评这部电影冒犯了女性。
【考】offensive manner 无礼的态度
【派】inoffensive (a. 无害的)
opponent [ə'pəunənt]
n. 敌手,对手;反对者
【例】his opponent in contest 他的竞争对手
option ['ɔpʃən]
n. 选择;(供)选择的事物(或人);选课;选择权,选择自由
【例】have no option but to do sth. 别无选择只能做某事:Mr. Brown had no option but to sell his house. 布朗先生别无选择只能卖掉房子。
keep/leave one's options open 保留选择的权力:I'm keeping all my options open. 我保留我所有的选择权力。
origin ['ɔridʒin;'ɔːridʒin]
n. 起源,来源;起因;[常pl.] 出身,血统
【例】in origin 源头上:This idiom is German in origin. 这个成语来自德语。
overall ['əuvərɔːl]
a. 大体的,总体的,全面的,全部的
ad. 总的来说
n. [pl.] 工装裤,工作服
【例】The overall situation is good, despite a few minor problems. 除了一些小问题以外,总体情况很好。
overcome [ˌəuvə'kʌm]
vt. 战胜,克服;(感情等)压倒,使受不了
【例】Rodney Brooks, professor of robotics at MIT, says the problems of developing artificial intelligence for robots will be at least partly overcome. (2008.6)麻省理工学院机器人技术学教授罗德尼·布鲁克斯说,开发机器人人工智能的难题将会在一定程度上得到攻克。
overwhelm [ˌəuvə'welm]
vt. 征服,制服;(感情上)使受不了;使不知所措
【例】You cannot imagine how I feel overwhelmed with my duties sometimes. (2004.6)你无法想象我有时被职责压垮的感受。
【考】be overwhelmed by one's favor 受宠若惊
【派】overwhelming (a. 势不可挡的;巨大的)
【辨】overcome, overwhelm
overcome意为“克服”,通常表示经过艰难险阻或通过激烈斗争而战胜、克服,如He overcame his fear of flying.; overwhelm意为“压倒,制服”,指以强大力量来彻底战胜对方或使对方一败涂地,强调完全、绝对的优势,是一种压倒性的胜利,如They finally overwhelmed the armies of Peru.
poisonous ['pɔizənəs]
a. 有毒的;恶毒的,刻毒的
【例】be poisonous to 对…有毒的:These mushrooms are poisonous to people. 这些蘑菇对人们是有毒的。
【考】poisonous gas 有毒的气体;poisonous plants 有毒的植物
prejudice ['predʒudis]
n. 偏见,成见
vt. 使有偏见;对…不利,损害
【例】prejudice against 对…的偏见:There is still little prejudice against women in this area. 在这一地区还是存在些许对妇女的偏见。
without prejudice (to) (对…)没有不利,无损(于):Here all of the talents can be recognised and awarded without any prejudice. 在这里所有的人才都能够被认可并获得奖励,不带有任何偏见。
【考】conventional prejudice 世俗的偏见;cultural prejudice 文化偏见
【派】prejudice-free (a. 无偏见的);prejudicial (a. 不利的,有损害的)
primitive ['primitiv]
a. 原始的;早期的;简单的;粗糙的
n. 原(始)人,原始事物
【例】primitive people 原始人//primitive society原始社会
probability [ˌprɔbə'biləti]
n. 可能发生的事;可能性;概率
【例】I believe there is a high probability of success. 我相信成功的可能性很高。
【考】in all probability十有八九,很可能
productive [prə'dʌktiv]
a. 多产的,富饶的;富有成效的
【例】be productive of sth. 产生…的结果:The meeting was productive of several good ideas. 这次会议产生了几个好想法。
【派】counterproductive (a. 使达不到目的的);reproductive(a. 再生的;复制的)
promising ['prɔmisiŋ]
a. 有希望的,有前途的
【例】a promising futrue 光辉的前途
provoke [prə'vəuk]
vt. 激起,引起;对…挑衅;激怒
【例】The report has provoked discussion. 这篇报道引起了争论。
【考】provoke a dispute 惹是生非;provoke criticism 招致责难
【派】provocation (n. 激怒;挑衅;恼怒的原因);provocative(a. 挑衅的,煽动性的;挑逗的)
【辨】provoke, irritate
provoke指因挑衅等行为引起强烈不悦,可能带来敌对行为,例如The decision provoked storms of protest.;而irritate表示因某事挑动感到非常不满或大发脾气,例如It irritates me when people give me phony information.
radical ['rædikəl]
a. 根本的,基本的;激进的,激进派的
n. 激进分子
【例】The country needs radical changes in economy. 这个国家的经济需要根本的改变。// radical ideas 激进的想法
【派】radically (ad. 根本上地)
recreation [ˌrekri'eiʃən]
n. 娱乐活动,消遣
【例】recreation facilities 娱乐设施//open-air/outdoor recreation 户外娱乐活动
【派】recreational (a. 消遣的,娱乐的)
reform [ri'fɔːm]
vt. 改革,改良
vi. 改正,改过自新
n. 改革,改良
【例】The government made great efforts to reform the education system. 政府做了很大努力改革教育体制。
【派】reformer (n. 改革者);reformation (n. 改革);reformatory (n. 管教所,教养所)
refrain [ri'frein]
vi. 抑制,克制;戒除
n. (诗歌的)叠句,副歌
【例】refrain from doing sth. 克制住不做某事:Jack refrained from scolding his naughty son in front of the guests. 杰克强忍着不在客人面前责骂自己淘气的儿子。
relieve [ri'liːv]
vt. 缓解,减轻,解除;使轻松,使宽慰;使得到调剂;接替,替下
【例】relieve sb. of sth. 解除某人的负担:The manager decided to hire another secretary to relieve him of some of the administrative work. 经理决定再雇用一位秘书以分担他的部分行政工作。
【考】relieve one's feelings 发泄感情;be relieved of one's duties 被免职
【派】relieved (a. 放心的);reliever (n. 缓解物)
rely [ri'lai]
vi. 依靠,依赖;信赖;指望
【例】rely on/upon 依靠,依赖,指望:These universities rely on tuition from foreign students who could be kept out by the new law. (2004.6)这些大学依赖留学生缴纳的学费维持,而新法律可能将这些留学生排斥在外。
【派】reliable (a. 可靠的,可信赖的);reliability (n. 可靠性);reliance (n. 信赖,依靠;信任);reliant (a. 依赖的,依靠的;对…有信心的)

renew [ri'njuː]
v. (使)更新,恢复;重新开始,继续;延长(…的)有效期
【例】The contract will expire in December, so you have to renew it as soon as possible. 合同12月份就到期了,你得尽快更新。
【考】renew strength 恢复体力
【派】renewable (a. 可再生的);renewed (a. 更新的);renewal (n. 更新;复兴)
resolve [ri'zɔlv]
vt. 解决,解答;决意;分解
vi. 决定,决意
n. 决定,决心
【例】resolve to do sth. 决心做某事:The girl resolved not to tell her mother the truth. 女孩决定不把真相告诉她母亲。
resolve on 就…作出决定:The family had resolved on making an early start. 那个家庭决定早点动身。
【考】resolve into 分解为
【派】resolution (n. 决心;决定;解答,解决;分辨率)
【辨】resolve, solve
它们既是一组形近词,也是一组表示“解决”之意的近义词。resolve一般表示在对问题、情况等进行细微的分析或思索后得出结论或找到解决途径,如Paul needs money to resolve his financial problems.;solve是一般用词,含义比较广,主要指为有一定难度的问题找到满意的解法或答复。
restore [ri'stɔː]
vt. 恢复,使回复;修复,整修;归还,交还
【例】restore sth. to sb. 将某物归还给某人:Police restored the stolen car to the owner. 警察把失窃的汽车归还给失主。
These policies are intended to restore public confidence in the economy. 这些政策是为了恢复公众对经济的信心。
【考】restore sb. to one's former position 使某人恢复原职
【派】restoration (n. 恢复,修复)
restrain [ri'strein]
vt. 阻止,控制;抑制,遏制
【例】restrain sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事:The actress tried to restrain herself from coughing during the performance. 那位女演员在舞台上尽量控制住不咳嗽。
【派】restraint (n. 抑制;约束措施);unrestrained (a. 无限制的)
sake [seik]
n. 缘故,理由
【例】for the sake of 为了,由于:If schools allow student-athletes to regularly miss out on instructional time for the sake of traveling to athletic competitions, that's bad. (2014.12) 如果学校允许学生运动员为参加运动比赛而定期缺课,那就不好了。
【考】for one's sake 看在某人的份上;为了某人的利益
scheme [skiːm]
n. 计划,方案;阴谋
v. 密谋,策划
【例】scheme for sth. 为某事而进行的策划:There will be a new scheme in our city for recycling plastic bottles. 我们市将有新的塑料瓶回收方案。
【考】finance a scheme 为一项计划提供资金
【派】scheming (a. 计划的;诡计多端的)
semester [si'mestə]
n. 学期
sensible ['sensəbl]
a. 明智的;合情理的
【例】be sensible of 觉察到…,意识到…:The family are still not sensible of the dangers of their position. 这家人还没有意识到他们处境的危险。
Crucially, as they opened up their markets, they balanced market economy with sensible government direction. (2012.6)至关重要的是,虽然他们开放了市场,但他们使市场经济和明智的政府调控保持平衡。
【用】下面一组形近词都与感觉有关,要注意区分:sensitive(a. 敏感的;灵敏的),sentimental (a. 感伤的),sensational (a. 使人感动的)。
【派】sensibly (ad. 明显地;敏感地)
hrink [ʃriŋk]
v. (使)起皱;(使)收缩;退缩,畏缩
【例】My shirt shrank in the wash. 我的衬衣缩水了。// The boy shrank behind the sofa as his father shouted at him. 当爸爸冲他叫喊时,男孩缩到了沙发后面。
【用】shink的过去式是shrank或shrunk, 过去分词是shrunk。
【派】shrinkage (n. 收缩)
skeptical ['skeptikəl]
(亦作sceptical) a. 表示怀疑的
【例】be skeptical of/about... 对…不肯相信的,对…怀疑的:Susan is skeptical about her chances of winning this English contest. 苏珊对她这次英语竞赛能否胜出表示怀疑。
【派】skepticism (n. 怀疑论)
skip [skip]
vt. 跳过,略过,漏过
vi. 跳,蹦跳;跳绳
n. 跳,蹦跳
【例】skip it 别再提了:“Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. ”“Oh, skip it!”“对不起,我并不想伤害你。”“别再提了!”
【考】skip over 跳过,略过
slip [slip]
v. 滑(倒),滑落;下降,跌落;溜走;悄悄放进
n. 疏漏,差错
【例】slip into/out... 溜进/出…:In the excitement as the applause commenced, nobody had noticed Ben slipping out of the hall. 在大家激动地开始鼓掌时,没有人注意到本溜出了大厅。
let sth. slip 错过(机会等);流露:Come on! Don't let the chance slip!加油!别错过这个机会!
slip one's mind 忘记:How could I have let something so important slip my mind?我怎么能忘记这么重要的事情?
【考】slip up 失误,出差错;give...the slip 避开,甩掉;slip of the pen 笔误
spoil [spɔil]
vt. 损坏,糟蹋;宠坏,溺爱
vi. (食物)变质
n. [pl.] 战利品,掠夺物
【例】I hope it doesn't rain—that would spoil our camping trip. 我希望不要下雨——那会使我们的野营泡汤。// As a child, she has been spoiled and cosseted. 作为一个孩子,她一直被宠爱甚至溺爱着。
【考】the spoils of war 战利品
【派】spoilage (n. 变质)
stable ['steibl]
a. 稳定的,不变的;沉稳的,持重的
n. 马厩,牛棚
【例】After several part-time jobs, my brother got a stable job in a bank. 在做了几份兼职后,我哥哥在一家银行找了一份稳定的工作。
【派】stability (n. 稳定性);stabilize 〔v. (使)稳定〕;unstable (a. 不稳定的)
submit [səb'mit]
vi. 屈从,服从,听从
vt. 呈送,提交;主张,建议
【例】submit to 忍受,听从;提交;建议:If I submitted to the manager's arrangement, the company would not dismiss me. 如果我听从经理的安排,公司就不会开除我。
You must submit your application before January 1st. 你必须在1月1日之前递交你的申请。
【考】submit oneself to 遵守
superficial [ˌsjuːpə'fiʃəl]
a. 肤浅的,浅薄的;表面的
【例】a superficial mind 浅薄无知的头脑
【派】superficiality (n. 浅薄;表面性的事物)
supplement ['sʌplimənt]['sʌpliment]
n. 增补(物),补充(物);增刊,副刊
vt. 增补,补充
【例】The doctor said Freda should be taking vitamin supplements. 医生说弗雷达需要补充维生素。
【派】supplementary (a. 增补的);supplementation (n. 增补,补充)
surgery ['səːdʒəri]
n. 外科,外科手术;手术室
【例】in surgery 在手术中:Paul was in surgery for six hours Friday. 保罗周五的手术做了6个小时。
testify ['testifai]
vi. 作证,证明;表明,说明
vt. 作证,证明
【例】testify to 表明,说明:Tracy's experience testifies to the difficulties of studying abroad. 特蕾西的经历说明了出国留学的不易。
At Jackson's trial, although two witnesses testified that Jackson was with them in another location at the time of the crime, he was convicted anyway. (2012.6) 在杰克逊的审判中,尽管两名证人作证说案发时杰克逊和他们在另一个地点,但他还是被定罪了。
theme [θiːm]
n. 主题,题目
【派】thematic (a. 题目的;主题的)
trial ['traiəl]
n. 审判,审讯;试用,试验;讨厌的人(或事物)
【例】Frank's going on trial for fraud. 弗兰克将因诈骗罪而受审。
by trial and error 反复试验,不断摸索:Science and society progress by trial and error. 科学和社会在反复摸索中前进。
tumble ['tʌmbl]
vi. 跌倒,摔下,滚下;翻滚;(价格等)暴跌;不由自主地卷入
n. 跌倒,摔倒
【例】tumble over 打翻:It was easy for boats to tumble over in the Colorado River. 科罗拉多河里容易翻船。
tumble to 突然明白:When did you tumble to our plan?你是什么时候突然明白我们的计划的?

twist [twist]
vt. 扭歪,扭伤;使缠绕,使盘绕;转动,旋动;捻,搓;歪曲,曲解
vi. 旋转,转身;曲折前进
n. 弯曲,曲折处;拧,旋转,扭转;转折,转变
【例】Robin slipped on the stairs and twisted his ankle. 罗宾在楼梯上滑倒了,扭伤了脚踝。// twist and turn 蜿蜒曲折
【派】twister (n. 难题;骗子);twisting (n. 翘曲,扭曲)
urge [əːdʒ]
vt. 鼓励,激励;竭力主张,强烈要求;催促,力劝
n. 强烈的欲望,迫切的要求
【例】urge sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事:My boss urged me to unfold my market strategy. 老板鼓励我详细阐述我的市场策略。
The urge to quantify is embedded in our society. (2013.6) 在我们的社会中,对量化的要求已根深蒂固。
【派】urgent (a.紧急的);urgency (n. 紧急,紧急情况)
violent ['vaiələnt]
a. 暴力引起的;暴力的,强暴的;猛烈的,剧烈的,强烈的
【例】violent crime 暴力犯罪//a violent protest 强烈的抗议
【派】violence (n. 暴力行为);non-violent (a. 非暴力的)
volume ['vɔljuːm]
n. 册,书卷;音量,响度;体积,容积,容量
【例】bound volume 合订本//The TV was on at full volume. 电视的音量已经开到最大了。
web [web]
n. (蜘蛛等的)网;网络,错综复杂的事物
witness ['witnis]
n. 目击者,见证人;证据,证言
vt. 目击,注意到;为…作证,证明
【例】bear witness to/against... 为…作证,证明…:The grand bell tower bears witness to the city's magnificent past. 这座威严的钟楼见证了这座城市辉煌的过去。
This country has previously witnessed two great struggles to achieve a truly multicultural democracy. (2006.6)这个国家以前就见证了为实现一个真正的多元文化的民主政治而进行的两场伟大斗争。
【考】be witness to sth. 目击某事
Carve your name on hearts and not on marbles.