
peculiar /pɪˈkjuːliə(r)/ 听读写译
熟义 a. 奇怪的,古怪的;特有的,特殊的 生义 a. 不适的,不舒服的
搭配 be peculiar to... …特有的
示例 ① This type of uneven distribution is not peculiar to the UK and is mirrored across other economies. 这种不均衡分布并非英国所特有,其他经济体也存在同样的现象。(2011. 12) ② This flavour is peculiar to the restaurant. 这种风味是这家饭店独有的。
派生 peculiarity (n. 怪癖;特色)‖peculiarly(ad. 异常地;特有地)
同义 characteristic, distinctive
辨析 peculiar, characteristic和distinctive都有“特有的;独特的”的含义。peculiar指某事物是某人或某地特有的,其他人或其他地方是不具备的;characteristic指某人或某物因自身具有某种典型的或本质的特点而有别于他人或他物;distinctive指某物因某种品质或特征而与众不同,暗含容易区分的意思。
abstract 听读写译
释义 /ˈæbstrækt/ n. 摘要,梗概‖a. 抽象的;纯理论的;难解的
/æbˈstrækt/ vt. 摘取;提取
助记 abs(=away,离去,离开)+tract(=draw,拖,拉)→拖拉出来→摘取;提取
搭配 in the abstract 理论上;抽象地
示例 ① It taught him how to think independently and abstractly about space and time, and it wasn't long before he became a philosopher himself. 这教会他如何独立和抽象地思考空间和时间的问题,而且不久他本人也成了一名哲学家。(2010. 12) ② We abstracted the main points from the argument. 我们从论据中提取出要点。
派生 abstraction(n. 抽象概念;心不在焉)‖abstractionist(n. 抽象派艺术家)
反义 concrete
atomic /əˈtɒmɪk/ 听读写译
释义 a. 原子能的;原子弹的;原子的
助记 a(=not,不)+tom(切,分)+ic(=nature of,…的)→不可再分的→原子的
示例 ① After Japan, in the mid-1950s, overcame its horror of atomic power from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, the country became an ardent fan. 20世纪50年代中期,日本从广岛和长崎原子弹爆炸所造成的恐惧中恢复过来之后,成了(核能的)铁杆粉丝。(The Economist)② The gentleman whom we met just now was an atomic physicist. 我们刚才遇见的那位先生是位原子物理学家。
派生 atomicity (n. 原子数;原子价;原子性)
tenant /ˈtenənt/ 听读写译
释义 n. 房客,租户,承租人
助记 ten(=hold,握,持)+ant(…的人)→用租金持有某物的人→租户
示例 ① I'm afraid I can't show you the apartment at the moment, because the tenant is still living in it. 恐怕此刻我不能带你去看公寓,因为房客还住在里面。(2006. 12)② The tenant of this house disappeared mysteriously. 这家的房客神秘地消失了。
派生 tenantry (n. 全体承租人)
同义 dweller, resident
反义 landlord
warehouse /ˈweəhaʊs/ 听读写译
释义 n. 储藏室;仓库‖vt. 存入仓库
助记 ware(商品,货物)+house(房子)→放货物的房子→仓库
搭配 warehouse keeper 仓库管理员
示例 ① After being shipped from its country of origin, each container of goods is routed through at least one neutral port. At the port, the containers are mixed up in a warehouse before being sent on their way, so you cannot trace individual containers from their country of origin to their final destination. 从原出口国运出后,每一个集装箱都要途径至少一个中转港。在中转港,这些集装箱会被混放在一个仓库中,然后再运往下一站,所以你无法从原出口国到最终目的地全程追踪每一个集装箱。(Scientific American)② The charge of the warehouse for storage is a heavy burden for our company. 仓库存储支出对我们公司来说是沉重的负担。
同义 storehouse
reasonable /ˈriːznəbl/ 听读写译
熟义 a. 合理的,公道的;通情达理的 生义 a. 还算好的,过得去的
搭配 reasonable price 合理价格
示例 ① One feature of a good grading system is that those measured by it generally regard it as fair and reasonable—not the case here. 好的评分制度的特征之一是,受评者普遍认为它公平合理——而不是这里这种情况。(2010. 6) ② Although the family experienced a bad economic crisis, they managed to keep a reasonable standard of living. 尽管这个家庭经历了严重的经济危机,他们还是设法维持着还算可以的生活水准。
派生 reasonably (ad. 合理地;相当地)‖reasonableness (n. 合理)
同义 rational
negligible /ˈneɡlɪdʒəbl/ 听读写译
释义 a. 可以忽略的,微不足道的,无足轻重的
助记 neg(=not,不)+lig(=gather,收集)+ible(capable of,可…的)→可以不必收集起来的→微不足道的
示例 ① Foreign capital inflow has been negligible and local capital has flowed out. Without a huge improvement in governance and a shift away from the reliance on remittances to locally generated growth, the Philippines will remain marginalized in Southeast Asia. 外国资本流入微不足道,而且本地资本又在流出。如果不在管理方面下大力气,不从依赖(海外)汇款转变成依靠本地增长,那么菲律宾将在东南亚继续被边缘化。(The New York Times)② Interest on small savings is negligible. 小额存款的利息微乎其微。
同义 insignificant, trivial
uphold /ʌpˈhəʊld/ 听读写译
释义 vt. 维持;支持,维护
搭配 uphold verdict 维持原判
示例 ① International confidence in India's ability to uphold the rule of law and fight corruption is at an all-time low. 国际社会对印度在维护法律法规、打击腐败方面的信心处于历史最低点。(The Economist)② Parents always uphold traditional values. 父母一般支持传统价值观。
派生 upholder (n. 拥护者)
同义 support
decode /ˌdiːˈkəʊd/ 听读写译
释义 vt. 译码,解码;解读,解释
示例 ① Because the sound generated by each keystroke is slightly different, the researchers were able to generate a computer program to decode what was written. 因为每次击键时产生的声音会稍有不同,所以研究人员能够生成一种计算机程序解码人们写入的内容。 (Scientific American)② He was designated to decode the computer data of the opposite side. 他被任命破译对方的电脑数据。
派生 decoder(n. 解码器)
同义 decipher(vt. 破译)
filter /ˈfɪltə(r)/ 听读写译
熟义 n. 过滤器;过滤嘴‖v. 过滤;渗漏 生义 n. 滤光镜,滤光片;交通分流指示灯
搭配 filter out 滤除
示例 ① This scenario is common in newsrooms that lack a systematic way to filter story suggestions. 在缺乏过滤选题提议系统的新闻编辑室里,这种情况司空见惯。(2011. 6) ② An interview is designed to filter out the unsuitable candidates. 面试是为了过滤掉不适合的求职者。
派生 filterable (a. 可滤去的)
gear /ɡɪə(r)/ 听读写译
熟义 n. 齿轮,排档,传动装置;设备,用具 生义 vt. 使适应,使适合;做好准备
搭配 be geared up 一切准备就绪‖first gear 一档
示例 ① It's always been hard to get this car into first gear, and now the clutch seems to be slipping. 这辆车总是很难挂上一档,而现在离合器似乎在打滑。(2007. 12) ② The program has been geared towards the specific needs of the customer. 方案已做调整,更适合顾客的特殊需要。
派生 gearing (n. 传动装置)
nourish /ˈnʌrɪʃ/ 听读写译
释义 vt. 抚养;滋养;培育
示例 ① As many as 700 school districts across the country have instituted programs that aim to nourish students' souls as well as their minds. 全国有多达700个学区创立了旨在培育学生灵魂和思想的项目。(Time Daily News) ② Campus education is a principal way to nourish the talents of our children. 校园教育是培育孩子才能的主要方式。
派生 nourishing (a. 滋补的)‖nourishment (n. 营养;营养品)
generally /ˈdʒenrəli/ 听读写译
释义 ad. 普遍地;通常;笼统地
搭配 generally speaking 通常来说
示例 ① During the same time frame, the University of Northern Iowa graduated 67% of its white students, but only 39% of its blacks. Community colleges have low graduation rates generally—but rock-bottom rates for minorities. 在同一时间段里,北爱荷华大学的白人毕业率是67%,而黑人只有39%。社区大学的毕业率普遍偏低,而少数民族学生毕业率更是低到了谷底。(2011. 6) ② Generally speaking, dogs are more faithful to human beings than cats. 通常来说,狗对人类比猫要忠诚。
同义 usually
语料 Chance generally favours the prudent. 运气通常照顾深思熟虑者。
sake 听读写译
熟义 /seɪk/ n. 理由,缘故 生义 /ˈsɑːki/ n. 日本清酒
助记 (sick)生病是请假的理由(sake)
搭配 for the sake of... 因为…的缘故
示例 ① President Obama will no doubt make the point publicly when he gets to Beijing: the Chinese need to consume more; they need—believe it or not—to become more like Americans, for the sake of the global economy. 毫无疑问,奥巴马总统抵达北京后将向公众提出这一点:中国需要更多地消费,信不信由你,为了全球经济,中国人在消费方面需要变得更像美国人一样。(2012. 12)② We should pay every efforts when young for the sake of our bright future. 为了美好的将来,年轻时我们要付出每一份努力。
exploit 听读写译
熟义 /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/ vt. 利用;开发;剥削 生义 /ˈeksplɔɪt/ n. 功绩;英勇行为
助记 ex(=out,出现;在外)+plo(=fold,折叠)+it→把折叠起来的部分展现出来→开发
搭配 exploit markets 开拓市场
示例 ① This settlement hands Google the power—but only with the agreement of individual rights holders—to exploit its database of out-of-print books. 该调解方案赋予谷歌开发绝版书数据库的权利——但必须获得著作权持有人的授权。(2011. 12) ② These countries has been exploiting the sea for the oil. 这些国家为了获取石油一直在开发海洋。
派生 exploitation(n. 剥削;利用;开采)‖exploitative(a. 剥削的;榨取的)
void /vɔɪd/ 听读写译
熟义 a. 空的;无效的;缺乏的,没有的
生义 n. 真空;空白‖vt. 宣布作废;使无效
搭配 be void of... 缺乏…,没有…
示例 ① Despite this, however, many professionals lack confidence and don't realize that their experience is still valuable and relevant—having children does not render prior capabilities null and void. 但是,尽管如此,许多专业人士缺乏信心,没有意识到他们的经验仍然与之相关、对其有用——有孩子并不意味着他们先前的能力都没有了。(The Guardian)② There is void of persistence in her character, so she always fails. 她的性格里缺少坚持,所以她经常失败。
派生 voidance (n. 无效;空缺)
反义 valid
语料 Chance is a word void of sense; nothing can exist without a cause. 机会是个没有意义的词;任何事物都不会无缘无故地存在。
convene /kənˈviːn/ 听读写译
释义 vt. 召集;组织(会议等);传唤受审
搭配 convene... to 召集…去做‖to convene a meeting 召开会议
示例 ① The UN had the foresight to convene a "world assembly on ageing" back in 1982, but that came and went. 联合国虽有远见,早在1982年就召开了“老龄问题世界大会”,却没有产生多大影响。(2010. 12) ② The general convened all the troops to guarded the borderland. 将军召集了所有军队去保卫边疆。
派生 convener [n. (会议)召集人]
同义 assemble
rating /ˈreɪtɪŋ/ 听读写译
熟义 n. 等级;[pl.] 收视率;估价 生义 n. 苛责;怒斥
示例 ① President Obama's overall approval rating has ticked up to 51 percent but ratings have fallen on his handling of the key issues on his agenda: immigration, guns, and the deficit... 奥巴马总统的总体支持率已上升至51%,但对于他处理日程上关键问题的评级已经下滑,诸如移民、枪支和赤字……(The Washington Post)② Credit rating has become one of the indicators to evaluate an enterprise. 信用等级已经成为评价一家企业的指标之一。
同义 rank
bandage /ˈbændɪdʒ/ 听读写译
释义 n. 带子;绷带‖vt. 扎绷带;包扎伤口
助记 Band-Aid 邦迪牌创可贴
搭配 bandage up 用绷带包扎
示例 ① The leaders of Europe have managed to put a bandage here and a few stitches there to keep the monetary union together. 欧洲领袖们努力这包一下,那缝几针来维持货币联盟的完整。(The Economist)② His wound was bandaged and he was out of danger. 他的伤口已经包扎好了,他已脱离危险。
imply /ɪmˈplaɪ/ 听读写译
释义 vt. 暗示,意味着
助记 im(=in,在…里)+ply(=fold,折叠)→折叠在里面的部分→暗示
搭配 it is implied that... 这意味着…
示例 ① A 100 need not imply that there is no possibility of improvement, only that a student successfully completed the course work. 100分并不意味着没有进步的可能,只代表某个学生成功地完成了这门课程。(2010. 6)② Her smile implied that she had understood what we meant. 她的微笑暗示她已经理解我们的意思了。
派生 implied (a. 含蓄的,暗指的)
同义 hint
辨析 imply和hint都有“暗示”的含义。imply侧重话语、行为或情景中的一种暗示,这种暗示必须加以逻辑推断才能领会;hint指说话人通过间接而有提示性的话语或行动使对方知道他的想法。
strategy /ˈstrætədʒi/ 听读写译
释义 n. 战略;策略;策划
示例 ① Companies and individuals who don't have a strategy to export more, or to get more involved in foreign markets, or to play a role in global trade, are shutting themselves out of the lion's share of economic opportunity in our world. 公司和个人如果没有扩大出口的战略,没有更多地参与到国外市场中去的战略,或者没有在全球贸易中占得一席之地的战略,那么,他们将与全球经济中的大部分机遇无缘。(2011. 12) ② The commercial strategies play a significant role in business success. 商业策略对于企业成功至关重要。
派生 strategist (n. 策略家)
同义 tactics
assurance /əˈʃʊərəns; əˈʃɔːrəns/ 听读写译
释义 n. 确信,把握;保证;信心
助记 as(=to,使)+sur(e)(保证)+ance(名词后缀)→使有保证→确信,把握
搭配 have assurance of... 有…的把握‖life assurance 人寿保险
示例 ① In the article, the writers claim that "a creative person should have some assurance of being rewarded for his innovative work." 在这篇文章中,作者们声称“应该有一些保障能够确保一个创新的人因为他的创新工作而得到回报”。(The New York Times)② I have fully assurance of his moral quality. 我对他的品行毫不怀疑。
同义 guarantee
likelihood /ˈlaɪklihʊd/ 听读写译
释义 n. 可能,可能性
搭配 the likelihood of... …的可能性
示例 ① And the arrival of François Hollande in France, with his stated hopes of modifying the fiscal compact, plus the rising likelihood of a Greek exit from the euro, are creating new uncertainties. 而且弗朗索瓦•奥朗德在法国总统大选中胜出,并表达了关于修改财政条约的想法,加之希腊退出欧元区的可能性加大,这些都增加了新的不确定性。 (The Economist)② The treatment reduces the likelihood of heart attacks. 这种疗法会降低心脏病发作的可能性。
同义 probability
significance /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkəns/ 听读写译
释义 n. 重要性,重大;含义,意义
示例 ① Kids count more than their colleges. Getting into Yale may signify intelligence, talent and ambition. But it's not the only indicator and, paradoxically, its significance is declining. 孩子本身比他们所上的学校更为重要。考上耶鲁大学可能说明一个人聪明、有才华、有雄心,但这并不是唯一的指标,而且让人意外的是,它的重要性正在下降。(2008. 6)② The measure is of great significance. 这项举措具有重大意义。
同义 importance
sufficient /səˈfɪʃnt/ 听读写译
释义 a. 足够的,充足的
助记 suf(=under,在下面)+fic(做)+i+ent(做…动作的)→一直做到底→足够的
搭配 be sufficient for... 足够…
示例 ① There's some truth to all these explanations, but they aren't quite sufficient. 虽然所有这些解释都有它们合理的地方,但它们不足以成为(美国民众压倒性地认为移民对美国经济有害的)理由。(2011. 6)② The funds are not sufficient for the running of the company. 资金不够公司的运营。
派生 sufficiently(ad. 足够地)
同义 adequate, enough
反义 inadequate
语料 Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises. 生活是一种能在不充足的前提下得出充足结论的艺术。(西方古典哲学家塞缪尔•巴特勒)
solution /səˈluːʃn/ 听读写译
熟义 n. 解决方案 生义 n. 溶解;溶液
助记 solu(=loosen/free,松的/自由的)+tion(抽象名词后缀,表示行为的过程或结果)→溶解
搭配 the solution of... …的解决方法‖in solution 在不断变化中
示例 ① On the face of it, it seems the perfect solution. 乍看起来,它(移民)似乎成了最佳的解决办法。(2010. 12)② Several solutions are provided to help get out of the dilemma. 已经提出了好几种摆脱困境的方法。
派生 solutionist (n. 解谜专家;解答者)
同义 explanation
basis /ˈbeɪsɪs/ 听读写译
释义 n. 底部;基准;基础;主要成分
搭配 on the basis of... 根据,基于…
示例 ① "Google's business model has always been to provide information for free, and sell advertising on the basis of the traffic this generates," points out James Grimmelmann, associate professor at New York Law School. 纽约法学院副教授詹姆斯•格里梅尔曼指出,谷歌的运作模式一直是免费提供信息,并在由此产生的流量的基础上出售广告。(2011. 12) ② He was elected the chairman on the basis of his qualifications and ideas. 他因具备资格,想法对路而被选为会长。
circuit /ˈsɜːkɪt/ 听读写译
释义 n. 环行,绕行;电路,线路‖v. 环行,绕行
搭配 make a circuit of... 绕…环行一周
示例 ① The fact that people have used industrial chemistry to short-circuit the nitrogen cycle, by making fertilisers out of nitrogen in the air at a rate which greatly exceeds what natural systems can manage, has real environmental effects. 人类利用化工生产的方法来缩短氮循环的周期,利用空气中的氮来生产氮肥,其速率远远超过了自然系统的处理能力,对环境产生了实实在在的影响。(The Economist)② The earth takes one year to make a circuit of the sun. 地球绕太阳运行一周需要一年的时间。
派生 circuitous (a. 迂回的;曲折的)‖circuitry(n. 电路系统;电路)
original /əˈrɪdʒənl/ 听读写译
释义 a. 原始的;独创的‖n. 原作;原型;有独创性的人
示例 ① A copyright protects the creator of an original artistic or intellectual work, such as a song or a novel. 版权对独创的艺术品和智力作品(如歌曲或小说)的创作者提供保护。(2008. 12) ② The original edition of this book was lost. 这本书的原版丢失了。
派生 originality (n. 独创性;别致)‖originally (ad. 最初;独创地)
neglect /nɪˈɡlekt/ 听读写译
释义 vt. 忽略;忽视;疏忽‖n. 忽略;疏漏
示例 ① It turns out, according to Griffin, that while we have done a good job of protecting the turtles for the weeks they spend on land (as egg-laying females, as eggs and as hatchlings), we have neglected the years they spend in the ocean. 格里芬认为,尽管人类对海龟在陆地上的几周(如产卵的雌龟、龟卵和幼龟)的保护工作做得不错,但事实证明我们忽略了它们在海洋里度过的岁月。(2009. 6) ② If you try your best, your contributions will never be neglected. 如果你尽全力,你的贡献是不会被忽视的。
派生 neglectful (a. 疏忽的,不注意的)
同义 overlook, ignore
语料 Half the pleasure of life consists of the opportunities one has neglected. 生活的一半乐趣由一切被忽略掉的机遇组成。(美国现代实用主义法学创始人小奥利弗•温德尔•霍姆斯)
sorrow /ˈsɒrəʊ/ 听读写译
释义 n. 悲伤;伤心的事;哀叹‖v. 感到悲伤;悲叹
示例 ① The news that Andy Griffith died this morning, at the age of 86, provoked an odd combination of feelings at our office: sadness at his death, wistfulness for the simple black-and-white world he represented and, in spite of all that sorrow, a strong desire to whistle. 安迪•格里菲思在今早逝世,享年86岁,这一消息在我们的办公室里唤起一种奇怪的复杂心情:对于他的去世我们感到悲痛,对于他所代表的简单的黑白世界感到留恋,尽管悲伤不已,我们仍然有一种强烈的愿望想要为他欢呼。(Time)② He drowned his sorrows in drink. 他借酒消愁。
派生 sorrowful (a. 悲伤的)
同义 grief, anguish
反义 happiness
语料 Life has its sorrows, as every rose has its thorns. 每支玫瑰都有刺,人人生活都有伤心事。
suck /sʌk/ 听读写译
熟义 v. 吸收;吮吸;啜‖n. 吮吸 生义 v. 吸引;使卷入
搭配 suck out 吸出
示例 ① "The monkeys pick the fruit and then they suck the larvae out," Janmaat explains. 扬马特解释说:“这些猴子摘下水果,然后将这些幼虫吸出。”(Scientific American)② William sucked on a mint. 威廉姆嘴里含着一粒薄荷糖。
派生 sucker (n. 笨蛋)
flap /flæp/ 听读写译
熟义 v. 拍打;拍击‖n. 拍打 生义 n. 群众愤怒;封盖,口盖‖v. 忧虑;激动
搭配 the flap about... 对…愤怒
示例 ① To show how it copes with Parkinson's disease, the man turns the switch off; his right arm starts to shake, then to flap violently. 为了演示这种设备是如何治疗帕金森症的,那个男人关闭了开关;他的右臂开始颤动,进而猛烈地拍打起来。(Scientific American)② The flap about the chairman's decision caused his resign. 对主席决定的不满导致了他的辞职。
派生 flapping (n. 拍动)
criterion /kraɪˈtɪəriən/ 听读写译
释义 n. (pl. criteria) 标准;准则;原则
示例 ① At the moment candidates are selected on a fairly narrow set of criteria such as prior academic and career performance, and analytical and problem solving abilities. 现如今,挑选未来(MBA)学员的标准相当窄,比如之前的学术成就、工作表现、分析能力和解决问题的能力等。(2011. 6)② Criteria should be made to assess a student's ability. 应该制定出一套评价学生能力的标准。
同义 principle, norm
equip /ɪˈkwɪp/ 听读写译
释义 vt. 装备;使有能力
搭配 equip sb. with sth. 使某人具有某物
示例 ① Although the firm was updating its systems anyway, the company spent 10-15% more per user to equip them with a laptop rather than a PC, and about the same to upgrade to a server that would enable remote staff to connect to the company networks and access all their usual resources. 尽管公司在更新系统,公司还是要在每名员工身上多花上10%到15%的钱给他们配备笔记本电脑而不是台式电脑,还要花同样一笔钱升级服务器以便在家办公的员工能与公司网络建立连接以享用所有平时使用的资源。(2009. 12)② He equipped himself with a map of the city. 他带着一张这座城市的地图。
派生 equipment(n. 设备;器材)
probable /ˈprɒbəbl/ 听读写译
释义 a. 可能的;有希望的‖n. 可能入选者
助记 prob(=try/test,尝试/试验)+able(形容词后缀,具有…性质的)→可以用来尝试或者试验的→可能的
搭配 It is probable that... 很有可能…
示例 ① It is therefore probable that Africa was formerly inhabited by extinct apes closely allied to the gorilla and chimpanzee; as these two species are now man's closest allies, it is somewhat more probable that our early progenitors lived on the African continent than elsewhere. 因此已经灭绝的类人猿之前很有可能曾在非洲生活过,类人猿与大猩猩和黑猩猩有紧密的联系,因为这两种物种目前与人类关系最紧密,所以从某种程度上讲我们的祖先很可能生活在非洲大陆而不是其他地方。(Scientific American)② It is probable that his disease has a genetic basis. 他的疾病很有可能有遗传因素。
派生 probability(n. 可能性)‖probably(ad. 可能地)
同义 likely, possible
反义 improbable, unlikely, impossible
hardware /ˈhɑːdweə(r)/ 听读写译
释义 n. 硬件;设备
示例 ① Software comes free with the hardware. 软件随硬件免费赠送。(2007. 6)② We bought some computer hardware. 我们买了一些计算机硬件。
axis /ˈæksɪs/ 听读写译
释义 n. 轴;坐标轴;轴心(国与国之间的协议或联盟)
示例 ① The buildings were also massed to peak along the long north-south axis to take maximum advantage of natural light. 高楼也都集中在这里,沿着南北方向建得一座比一座高以便更好地利用自然光线。(The New York Times)② The earth takes shorter to revolve on its axis than Mars. 地球自转一周的时间比火星短。
partner /ˈpɑːtnə(r)/ 听读写译
释义 n. 同伴;股东;配偶
示例 ① Second, men's emotional inexpressiveness can cause problems in their relationships with partners and children. 其次,男性因不善于情感表达可能导致与配偶和子女的关系出现问题。(2010. 12)② He is my dancing partner. 他是我的舞伴。
派生 partnership (n. 合伙关系;全体合伙人)
external /ɪkˈstɜːnl/ 听读写译
释义 a. 外部的;表面的;外用的
示例 ① The vestibular system in our inner ear informs us about the position of our head; our eyes tell us how our body is located in relation to the external world. 耳朵内部的耳前庭系统告诉我们头部的位置;我们的眼睛告诉我们身体和外部世界的位置关系。(New Scientist)② External conditions are also important in promoting such events. 外部条件对于促进这类事件发生也是很重要的。
派生 externally (ad. 外部地)
反义 internal