Our preparations did not take us very long.We put a change of clothing apiece and some spare boots into my Gladstone bag, also we took our revolvers and an express rifle each, together with a good supply of ammunition, a precaution to which, under Providence, we subsequently owed our lives over and over again.
The rest of our gear, together with our heavy rifles, we left behind us.
A few minutes before the appointed time we once more attended in Ayesha's boudoir, and found her also ready, her dark cloak thrown over her winding sheet-like wrappings.
"Are ye prepared for the great venture?" she said.
"We are," I answered, "though for my part, Ayesha, Ihave no faith in it."
"Ah, my Holly," she said, "thou art of a truth like those old Jewsof whom the memory vexes me so sorelyunbelieving, and hard to accept that which they have not known.But thou shalt see; for unless my mirror yonder lies," and she pointed to the font of crystal water, "the path is yet open as it was of old time.
And now let us start upon the new life which shall endwho knoweth where?""Ah," I echoed, "who knoweth where?" and we passed down into the great central cave, and out into the light of day.At the mouth of the cave we found a single litter with six bearers, all of them mutes, waiting, and with them I was relieved to see our old friend Billali, for whom I had conceived a sort of affection.It appeared that, for reasons not necessary to explain at length, Ayesha had thought it best that, with the exception of herself, we should proceed on foot, and this we were nothing loath to do, after our long confinement in these caves, which, however suitable they might be for sarcophagia singularly inappropriate word, by the way, for these particular tombs, which certainly did not consume the bodies given to their keepingwere depressing habitations for breathing mortals like ourselves.Either by accident or by the orders of _i_ She _i_ , the space in front of the cave where we had beheld that awful dance was perfectly clear of spectators.Not a soul was to be seen, and consequently I do not believe that our departure was known to anybody, except perhaps the mutes who waited on _i_ She _i_ , and they were, of course, in the habit of keeping what they saw to themselves.
In a few minutes' time we were stepping out sharply across the great cultivated plain or lake bed, framed like a vast emerald in its setting of frowning cliff, and had another opportunity of wondering at the extraordinary nature of the site chosen by these old people of Ko^r for their capital, and at the marvellous amount of labor, ingenuity, and engineering skill that must have been brought into requisition by the founders of the city to drain so huge a sheet of water, and to keep it clear of subsequent accumulations.It is, indeed, so far as my experience goes, an unequalled instance of what man can do in the face of nature, for in my opinion such achievements as the Suez Canal or even the Mont Cenis Tunnel do not approach this ancient undertaking in magnitude and grandeur of conception.
When we had been walking for about half an hour, enjoying ourselves exceedingly in the delightful cool which about this time of the day always appeared to descend upon the great plain of Ko^r, and which in some degree atoned for the want of any kind or sea breezefor all wind was kept off by the rocky mountain wallwe began to get a clear view of what Billali had informed us were the ruins of the great city.And even from that distance we could see how wonderful those ruins were, a fact which with every step we took became more evident.The city was not very large if compared to Babylon or Thebes, or other cities of remote antiquity; perhaps its outer wall contained some twelve square miles of ground, or a little more.Nor had the walls, so far as we could judge when we reached them, been very high, probably not more than forty feet, which was about their present height where they had not, through the sinking of the ground or some such cause, fallen into ruin.
The reason of this, no doubt, was that the people of Ko^r, being protected from any outside attack by far more tremendous ramparts than any that the hand of man could rear, only required them for show and to guard against civil discord.But, on the other hand, they were as broad as they were high, built entirely of dressed stone, hewn, no doubt, from the vast caves, and surrounded by a great moat about sixty feet in width, some reaches of which were still filled with water.About ten minutes before the sun finally sank we reached this moat, and passed down and through it, clambering across what evidently were the piled-up fragments of a great bridge in order to do so, and then with some little difficulty up the slope of the wall to its summit.I wish that it lay within the power of my pen to give some idea of the grandeur of the sight that then met our view.There, all bathed in the red glow of the sinking sun, were miles upon miles of ruinscolumns, temples, shrines, and the palaces of kings, varied with patches of green bush.Of course, the roofs of these buildings had long since fallen into decay and vanished, but owing to the extreme massiveness of the style of building, and to the hardness and durability of the rock employed, most of the party walls and great columns still remained standing.