第29章 AN EMPTY ROOM.(1)
Desiring to start as early as possible,that we might reach Rosny on the second evening,I roused Simon Fleix before it was light,and learning from him where the horses were stabled,went out to attend to them;preferring to do this myself,that I might have an opportunity of seeking out a tailor,and providing myself with clothes better suited to my rank than those to which I had been reduced of late.I found that I still had ninety crowns left of the sum which the King of Navarre had given me,and twelve of these I laid out on a doublet of black cloth with russet points and ribands,a dark cloak lined with the same sober colour,and a new cap and feather.The tradesman would fain have provided me with a new scabbard also,seeing my old one was worn-out at the heel;but this I declined,having a fancy to go with my point bare until I should have punished the scoundrel who had made my mother's failing days a misery to her;a business which,the King of Navarre's once done,I promised myself to pursue with energy and at all costs.
The choice of my clothes,and a few alterations which it was necessary to make in them,detained me some time,so that it was later than I could have wished when I turned my face towards the house again,bent on getting my party to horse as speedily as possible.The morning,I remember,was bright,frosty,and cold;the kennels were dry,the streets comparatively clean.Here and there a ray of early sunshine,darting between the overhanging eaves,gave promise of glorious travelling-weather.But the faces,I remarked in my walk,did not reflect the surrounding cheerfulness.Moody looks met me everywhere and on every side;and while courier after courier galloped by me bound for the castle,the townsfolk stood aloof is doorways listless and inactive,or,gathering in groups in corners,talked what I took to be treason under the breath.The queen-mother still lived,but Orleans had revolted,and Sens and Mans,Chartres and Melun.
Rouen was said to be wavering,Lyons in arms,while Paris had deposed her king,and cursed him daily from a hundred altars.In fine,the great rebellion which followed the death of Guise,and lasted so many years,was already in progress;so that on this first day of the new year the king's writ scarce ran farther than he could see,peering anxiously out from the towers above my head.
Reaching the house,I climbed the long staircase hastily,abusing its darkness and foulness,and planning as I went how my mother might most easily and quickly be moved to a better lodging.
Gaining the top of the last flight,I saw that mademoiselle's door on the left of the landing was open,and concluding from this that she was up,and ready to start,I entered my mother's room with a brisk step and spirits reinforced by the crisp morning air.
But on the threshold I stopped,and stood silent and amazed.At first I thought the room was empty.Then,at a second glance,Isaw the student.He was on his knees beside the bed in the alcove,from which the curtain had been partially dragged away.
The curtain before the window had been torn down also,and the cold light of day,pouring in on the unsightly bareness of the room,struck a chill to my heart.A stool lay overturned by the fire,and above it a grey cat,which I had not hitherto noticed,crouched on a beam and eyed me with stealthy fierceness.
Mademoiselle was not to be seen,nor was Fanchette,and Simon Fleix did not hear me.He was doing something at the bed--for my mother it seemed.
'What is it,man?'I cried softly,advancing on tiptoe to the bedside.'Where are the others?'
The student looked round and saw me.His face was pale and gloomy.His eyes burned,and yet there were tears in them,and on his cheeks.He did not speak,but the chilliness,the bareness,the emptiness of the room spoke for him,and my heart sank.
I took him by the shoulders.'Find your tongue,man!'I said angrily.'Where are they?'
He rose from his knees and stood staring at me.'They are gone!'
he said stupidly.
'Gone?'I exclaimed.'Impossible!When?Whither?'
'Half an hour ago.Whither--I do not know.'
Confounded and amazed,I glared at him between fear and rage.
'You do not know?'I cried.'They are gone,and you do not know?'
He turned suddenly on me and gripped my arm.'No,I do not know!
I do not know!'he cried,with a complete change of manner and in a tone of fierce excitement.'Only,may the fiend go with them!But I do know this.I know this,M.de Marsac,with whom they went,these friends of yours!A fop came,a dolt,a fine spark,and gave them fine words and fine speeches and a gold token,and,hey presto!they went,and forgot you!'
'What!'I cried,beginning to understand,and snatching fiercely at the one clue in his speech.'A gold token?They have been decoyed away then!There is no time to be lost.I must follow.'
'No,for that is not all!'he replied,interrupting me sternly,while his grasp on my arm grew tighter and his eyes flashed as they looked into mine.'You have not heard all.They have gone with one who called you an impostor,and a thief,and a beggar,and that to your mother's face--and killed her!Killed her as surely as if he had taken a sword to her,M.de Marsac!Will you,after that,leave her for them?'