Seeing that Jim lived several miles from the widow, Margery was rather surprised, and even felt a slight sinking of the heart, when her new acquaintance appeared at her door so soon as the evening of the following Monday.She asked Margery to walk out with her, which the young woman readily did.
'I am come at once,' said the widow breathlessly, as soon as they were in the lane, 'for it is so exciting that I can't keep it.Imust tell it to somebody, if only a bird, or a cat, or a garden snail.'
'What is it?' asked her companion.
'I've pulled grass from my husband's grave to cure it--wove the blades into true lover's knots; took off my shoes upon the sod; but, avast, my shipmate,--'
'Upon the sod--why?'
'To feel the damp earth he's in, and make the sense of it enter my soul.But no.It has swelled to a head; he is going to meet me at the Yeomanry Review.'
'The master lime-burner?'
The widow nodded.
'When is it to be?'
'To-morrow.He looks so lovely in his accoutrements! He's such a splendid soldier; that was the last straw that kindled my soul to say yes.He's home from Exonbury for a night between the drills,'
continued Mrs.Peach.'He goes back to-morrow morning for the Review, and when it's over he's going to meet me.But, guide my heart, there he is!'
Her exclamation had rise in the sudden appearance of a brilliant red uniform through the trees, and the tramp of a horse carrying the wearer thereof.In another half-minute the military gentleman would have turned the corner, and faced them.
'He'd better not see me; he'll think I know too much,' said Margery precipitately.'I'll go up here.'
The widow, whose thoughts had been of the same cast, seemed much relieved to see Margery disappear in the plantation, in the midst of a spring chorus of birds.Once among the trees, Margery turned her head, and, before she could see the rider's person she recognized the horse as Tony, the lightest of three that Jim and his partner owned, for the purpose of carting out lime to their customers.
Jim, then, had joined the Yeomanry since his estrangement from Margery.A man who had worn the young Queen Victoria's uniform for seven days only could not be expected to look as if it were part of his person, in the manner of long-trained soldiers; but he was a well-formed young fellow, and of an age when few positions came amiss to one who has the capacity to adapt himself to circumstances.
Meeting the blushing Mrs.Peach (to whom Margery in her mind sternly denied the right to blush at all), Jim alighted and moved on with her, probably at Mrs.Peach's own suggestion; so that what they said, how long they remained together, and how they parted, Margery knew not.She might have known some of these things by waiting; but the presence of Jim had bred in her heart a sudden disgust for the widow, and a general sense of discomfiture.She went away in an opposite direction, turning her head and saying to the unconscious Jim, 'There's a fine rod in pickle for you, my gentleman, if you carry out that pretty scheme!'
Jim's military coup had decidedly astonished her.What he might do next she could not conjecture.The idea of his doing anything sufficiently brilliant to arrest her attention would have seemed ludicrous, had not Jim, by entering the Yeomanry, revealed a capacity for dazzling exploits which made it unsafe to predict any limitation to his powers.
Margery was now excited.The daring of the wretched Jim in bursting into scarlet amazed her as much as his doubtful acquaintanceship with the demonstrative Mrs.Peach.To go to that Review, to watch the pair, to eclipse Mrs.Peach in brilliancy, to meet and pass them in withering contempt--if she only could do it! But, alas! she was a forsaken woman.
'If the Baron were alive, or in England,' she said to herself (for sometimes she thought he might possibly be alive), 'and he were to take me to this Review, wouldn't I show that forward Mrs.Peach what a lady is like, and keep among the select company, and not mix with the common people at all!'