第3章 无敌腹黑(3)
22 A Large Hole
There was a farmer who lived near a road.
It was not a busy road,but from time to time,cars passed the farm.
Near the farm gate,there was a large hole in the road.This hole was always full of water,and the drivers of the cars could not see how deep the hole was.They thought it was probably shallow.Then when they drove into the hole,they could not drive out because it was so deep.
The farmer did not spend much time working on his farm.He spent most of it watching the hole.When a car drove into it,he pulled the car out with his tractor and charged the driver a lot of money for doing this.
One day,the driver of a car said to him,"You must make a lot of money pulling cars out of this hole night and day."
"Oh,no,"the farmer said,"I don't pull cars out of the hole at night but fill the hole with water."
23 A Shoebox
A man asks a woman to marry him,but before she agrees,she tells him that she keeps a shoebox under the bed and she never wants him to look in it.He understands.He figures he doesn't like people looking in his wallet,and agrees that he will never look in the shoebox.
Well,five years go by and they are happily married.The husband is home alone one day and curiosity gets the best of him.He opens the box and looks inside three eggs and $5000 in cash.He is clueless.
When his wife comes home he confesses to looking in the box."Now you have to tell me what it means."he says.
"OK."she answers,"Every time I've had an affair on you,I put an egg in the box."
The man is flabbergasted.But then he thinks about it,and figures three affairs in five years isn't too bad.He takes a deep breath and realizes he can deal with it."So then what is the $5000?"he asks.
"Every time the box is full,I'll sell them."she answers.
24 NASA Mars Mission
NASA was interviewing professionals they were planning on sending to Mars.The touchy part was that only one guy could go and it would be a one way trip,that is to say the guy would never return to the Earth.
The interviewer asked the first applicant,an engineer,how much he wanted to be paid for going.
"One million dollars,"the engineer answered,"and I want to donate it all to my almamater-Rice University."
The next applicant was a doctor,and the interviewer asked him the same question.
"Two millions dollars,"the doctor said,"and I want to give a million to my family and leave the other million for the advancement of medical research."
The last applicant was a lawyer.When asked how much money he wanted,he whispered in the interviewer's ear,"Three million dollars."
"Why so much more than the others?"the interviewer asked.
The lawyer replied,"You give me three million,I'll give you one million,I'll keep a million,and we'll send the engineer."