第2章 Abstract
The Strategy of“the Rise of Central Region”and the“Two-oriented society construction”which inludes resource-saving and environment-friendly offer the opportunity to the sports industry development,which meets the need of the“low carbon”mode of development in Chang-zhu-tan urban agglomerations.With the development of the economic integration in this area,the strategy of sports industry development will be of great value.
This research, which can offer references in strategies such as development logic,goal,measures and ensurance when government establishes the development policy in sport area,should be practicable and valuable.
With the related research methods such as documentary, investigation, talking, this research analyses the sports industry development in Chang-zhu-tan Urban agglomerations.This research is based on the social background of“the Rise of Central Region”,and its research view is from“the Two-oriented Society construction”.Focusing on the surroundings of the sports industry development in this area, this research analyses the sports resourse,the sports market and the sports consumption in this region.With the method of SWOT, this research analyses the opportunity,the challenge,the advantage and the disadvantage of the sports industry development,which brings up some advice on the development goal,keystone,measures and the ensurance of this strategy.
There are some conclusions from this research.Firstly,there are some unique characters in its surroundings.The sports condition,the sports media and the sports tourism offer an advantageous background for the sports industry development in Chang-zhu-tan Urban agglomerations.The sports consumption system, which includes physical exercise, sports recreation,sports lottery,sports agency,sports appliances,sports performance,sports training and sports tourism,has been developed step by step during the last years though the sports consumption,comapred to the fast development of daily living consumption in this urban agglomerations,is still at a low level.From the sports consumption ratio in GDP,the sports industry in this area is still at a developing stage.Secondly, urban agglomerations,which has the polarization effect,innovation function and the radiation function, is the result of urbanlization process.The region economy theory can offer some guidances for the sports industry development, which belongs to“the third industry”or modern service industry.Thirdly,there are some opportunities for the sports industry development,such as the emphasis on the sports industry from the Central government,the rising importance given to the sports industry,the“Rising of Central Region”,the construction of“Two-orientation society”and the developing space in this area.It can be declared that the economy shunt and the adjustment of industry structure offer the opportunies for the sports industry development.The new type industrialization,the urban development process and the agriculture modernization make the sports industry development boom in this area.Fourthly,there are also some challenges for the sports industry development in Chang-zhu-tan agglomerations.The low level of sports consumption is the main barrier for the sports industry development.The low level of standardization of sports industry is the main barrier for the sports theory research,which causes the misleading management from the government.The sports industry has no clear and appropriate role in the culture industry system.Fifthly,there are some advantages for the sports industry development in this area.The multiplied investment has fostered a capital system, which includes material capital and immaterial assesments.The sports media acts as a leading role in this industry.The sports lottery has created some new records and the sports agency also has its unique characters.Sixthly,there are some threats for the sports development,which includes the sports industry scale,the sports resource,the investment mode,the sports trademark and the management facilities.At last,this research insists that we should have a dialectic view on the sports industry development in Chang-zhu-tan agglomerations.For its outer surroundings,the opportunities surpasses the challenges; for its inner conditions,the advatages surpasses the disadvantages.For the development strategy,the tactics of swelling is the best choice for the sports industry development in Chang-zhutan agglomerations.
Three creative research fruits can be concluded from this essay.The first one is the research view which is based on the view of“Two-oriented society construction”or“resource-saving and environment-friendly society construction”to discuss the urban regional sports industry development;the second one is the analysis method which is characterized with the mode of SWOT;and the last one is that this research has offered a script for the future development of the sports industry in Chang-zhu-tan urban agglomerations.
The relation between the sports industry and the“Three New Pattern process”which inludes the industrialization,urbanlization and the agriculture modernization,and the“Two-oriented society construction”in Chang-zhu-tan urban agglomerations.This essay gives a thorough explanation for the meaning of the strategy engined by sport event for the regional sports industry development and conceives a development mode for the sports industry mechanism which is integrated with the capital in the“Twooriented society construction”area.At last,this essay puts much emphasis on the harmful influence from the vague recognition between culture industry and the sports industry on the latter industry’s development.
Keywords:Urban agglomerations; Regional economy; Sports industry;Development strategy